Hey Guys,
Ive been playing a heap of CoD AW recently and found out that there is a secret at the end of the Exo mode map Riot and I decieded that it might be a fun idea to try to get to the map and find the secret, the only issue being that the difficulty curve of the Exo made is tailored to a 4 player match(the matchmaking for CoD is pretty bad) and I cant get the required amount of rounds in each tier to get to the next, and as such I was looking to see if there are any PC gamers for CoD:AW who are willing to sink a fair amount of time into the exo mode with me to try and unlock riot and the subsequent secret at the end of it. For those of you willing, there are a few things that should probably be known; To unlock the map Riot, you must get past round 100 in the tier 3 maps, which require 75 rounds in tier 2 which requires 50 rounds in tier 1. Which brings a total of 225 rounds which need to be beaten on three different maps to unlock the final map, on which requires 10 or 15 rounds to actually complete. If anyone is interested0; Steam ID is: Nitebomber51 Steam Display name is: Starns Hit me up either here or on steam and we'll sort it out. Thanks in advance. TL;DR:Looking for someone to help get to the map Riot for CoD:AW Exo(Co-Op) mode, need to complete 225 rounds to unlock map then 10/15 rounds on said map. Contact if interested. Thanks. |
Battlefield Hardline:
EA goes insane and implements the most rediculous DRM. You get to have 5 hardware changes then the game will be blocked for 24 hours, i could go on about what i really think about EA and Battlefield in general, i think EA has sufficiently gone the full retard so there is no more to be said. |
^^ speaking of full retard, why you on about BF: Hardline in a CoD thread?
A thread that seems to have no interest is a good place to put stuff like.
Half life 2: Update: release. Available: 27 March 2015. http://store.steampowered.com/app/290930 PS: CoD, Battlefeild ,Black Ops etc are all the same i can't tell the difference same dog just a different name. |