For the past week my 32 slot server has been kicking all players and then giving this error "Game disconnected: Client closed down connection. Check your network connection and make sure that port 3659 (UDP) is open." and it is only resolved by a server restart.
At first it happened 2-3 times a day, now as soon as there is a few people connected its crashes and is impossible to finish a game. My sever has doped from rank 10 in Aus to 30 something... I have been told its a "dice" problem but if that is so why is only 1 of my servers effected by this.. Cheers Zero |
Agree WTH is going on.
5 times everyone got kicked. I can see that the server is there and is still up and running because I log into procon and see that its there. So what is it, are you being actively DDOS? Does Dice have a crappy backend connection and cant be arsed fixing it. Please give us a answer besides the normal BS we are working with dice blah blah blah. |
It is not just Ausgamers. Our Gameservers server is doing the exact same thing too. It is almost unusable at the moment.
This is the end of the 5th week my sever has had this problem, wtf is going on? if this is a DICE issue as ausgamers have told me it is have DICE even acknowledged it? is there anyways i can stick my server on hold? i don't want to pay another month for something i cannot use...