Wolf Creek 2 is an Australian Thriller/ Horror film that is directed by Greg McLean, the same director behind the original 2005 Wolf Creek and Rogue. And pretty much the story behind these Wolf Creek movies is based around the horrible and sadistic actions of the serial killer Mick Taylor that prays on tourists in the dry areas of the Northern Territory and South Australia.
Now I must say I liked the original and in fact have loved every movie that this director has made, especially Rogue. His films just seem to be so well made and put together that it feels very different to what I'm used to seeing in an Australian film. Besides independent movies Australian unfortunately doesn't have a huge library when it comes to films and most of the Australian films I've seen sort of go down that same stereotypical Aussie mate kind of characters with Aussie humour. So when I saw films like Wolf Creek and Rogue I didn't feel like I was watching some cheap ass B-grade Aussie movie, even though those films are also indie films, they were actually extremely well made and acted and are even some of my all time favourite top films. So when I heard a few months ago that Wolf Creek 2 was coming I just couldn't help but get excited. So these Wolf Creek movies reckon they are based on true events and mainly from what I read there were stories about tourist being taken in the Aussie outback in stuff like that, but I'm sure stuff like what's contained in these films have never happened... at least I f*****g hope not! Like I said Wolf Creek 2 continues to follow the story of the serial killer Mick Taylor, pig shooter and expert hunter who can't help but treat himself to some tourist prey every now and then. In the first movie he was more unknown, you didn't get to learn much about his character besides him being a serial killer and he does some pretty nasty things. But luckily here he gets more screen time and there's more character development and we actually get to learn a lot more about his character and why he does what he does. John Garratt owns this character, he is Mick Taylor! I don't see anyone else being able to replace him as this character he does an excellent job and can be incredibly terrifying and then suddenly be making you chuckle, when you know you really shouldn't be. It's so strange how I thought about this character because I know he's such a horrible person... but I kind of like him. He's a great character! I mean we have liked serial killer before like Dexter, but unlike Dexter this Aussie Hunter has no code to keep his actions in line. He does what he wants, when he wants, how he wants, no matter how sadistic or cruel it is. That's why you feel so bad for liking his character because I honestly feel like he's quite a badass but he does such horrible actions that you just feel bad. I've never had that kind of feeling towards a character before, it's very unique. I won't go too much into the story because I don't want to give it away, but let's just say it ends up being a kind of Cat and Mouse situation and trust me... there will be blood in this movie. Yes this movie cranks up the gore and intensity! I honestly didn't think the first movie was too bad when it came to violence but the sequel cranks it up and sometimes can be pretty unbelievable which in return can take you out of the movie. It doesn't feel as real or as awesome when some of this unrealistic violence occurs, of course it's still bad ass but it differs from its more realistic predecessor. Now I pretty much split this movie into different parts when it came to genres, because I reckon the first hour of the movie in pure thriller action kind of stuff but the final act of the film feels more horror. The final act actually gave me a bit of an Outlast kind of feeling if you've played that game, you'll know what I mean :P So yeah I found this movie was more of a thriller than a horror but no matter what is was still a very enjoyable ride. More action, more kills, more intense than the first film and it keeps you entertained from start to finish. I think I actually liked Wolf Creek 2 more than the original film, because it was more fun but still contained some of those intense moments. Besides John Jarratt the other actors also do a great job in this film, I didn't really once think oh that's a s*** accent or he can't act for crap. No I found the actors to be quite believable, of course there are still those stupid cliche horror character moments where you think to yourself why are you doing that! But luckily it doesn't happen too often. So overall I really enjoyed this movie, it was a fun ride, it kept me entertained from start to finish and I thought the quality was fantastic, especially for an Australian Film. I Highly recommend this film if you enjoyed the last film, you may be disappointed that it ends up being more of a thriller than a horror but hopefully you will still enjoy the ride and these characters. I don't recommend this film if you have a weak stomach though, cause there will be blood! :D Pros John Jarratts is Mick Taylor! Bloody good fun! Still contains those intense Wolf Creek moments. Great Cat and Mouse Concept. Amazing action from an Australian Film. Good acting all around. Didn't once feel bored. Cons Bit more unrealistic than the original. More of a thriller than a horror film. |
i have yet to see the second one. the first is one of my favourite movies. I have heard bad things about the sequel. You have now challenged me to go see it.
i have yet to see the second one. the first is one of my favourite movies. I have heard bad things about the sequel. You have now challenged me to go see it. I liked the first one too :D The sequel does feel a lot different in ways as it doesnt feel as intense and has a lot of horror themes that the first one had. There is a bit in there but it's not the main focus of the sequel, which focuses more on a cat and mouse chase which is thrilling and entertaining in different ways. I did really like the final act of the film which focused more on that intense horror theme that the first one was more about. So yeah as a whole package I just felt quite entertained in different ways compared to the first one. If you do see it I hope you like it :) |
I thought the first one was alrite, going to see the second one next week so we'll see how I go.
I thought the first one was alrite, going to see the second one next week so we'll see how I go. Yeah I found that the 2nd movie was just more fun in general so I think that's why I slightly prefer it over the original, but yeah some people will either love it or hate it I think :P |
I'm hoping more for 'The Wolf of Wall Street 2'
Going to see this one tonight at an ourdoor cinema. Should be good!
Going to see this one tonight at an ourdoor cinema. Should be good! Hope you enjoy it :D I wouldnt mind seeing it again! but I'll wait till its out on dvd or something xD |
I had fun! I definitely enjoyed it and find the second movie much more entertaining than the first one. It's better! Gorier and funny too in some scenes. I thought the first one was okay. This one is good |
Haha I'm glad you enjoyed it! I'm quite surprised but yeah just like you said I found it just more entertaining in general, but the tone is different so it just depends on what you're into lol but glad you enjoyed it, I feel useful! haha |