As many had suspected, the enigmatic website -- published to look like a viral promotional campaign for an upcoming game in Bethesda's Fallout franchise -- has finally been outed as an elaborate troll (thanks IncGamers).
After countdown's culminated with a crass "fuck you", the official Bethesda Twitter account finally
officially refuted any connection with it. A reddit user with the handle DCHoaxer has since admitted and proven responsibility for the ruse, explaining his motivations and claiming that the stunt cost him around $990 in total, owed to Internet hosting costs, a premium phone number and CGI video. That's commitment.
The hoaxer purports to having spent at least 700 hours on the script to his "The Survivor" narrative, and hopes to turn the concept into a downloadable content mod for Fallout: New Vegas, claiming to have a 60 person team already assembled.
Posted 04:07pm 09/12/13
Posted 09:10am 10/12/13