Wordpress - I used our online guide to set one up http://www.mammoth.net.au/kb/blogs/wordpress
I like WordPress.
I can swing you a discount on hosting with us if you want to run your own blog, or you can sign up on WordPress.com - they have a pretty cheap deal (though it's hosted OS). WordPress.com also lets you host a free blog (without your own domain, iirc). Blogger is the same and I think Tumblr as well. You can sign up for a free WordPress one to check it out; it will show you almost all the functionality. |
I can swing you a discount on hosting with us if you want to run your own blog For future reference so I can send people your way, what would your hosting rates be for a Wordpress blog? Including about 2 gb disk space, 10 gb traffic per month, 3 SQL databases. |
For a basic cpanel website: http://www.mammoth.net.au/web-hosting - if you're sending a lot of people that just have those specific requirements we could probably do a custom plan that just caters to that.
why not use general chat for your blog it already looks like some do?
;p |
Good rates!
I wouldn't say a lot of people, just randoms from time to time that ask me about hosting. I'll send them your way from now on. |
wordpress is good, but blogspot is better... with google :)
Blogspot doesn't have any costs, it's a bit scary. I run a sort of online sales site thing through a blogspot page, not making huge money, but it's costing them a truckload of data without any ads enabled, and has been for years.
You can run a few wordpress site on azure. Very very easy to setup, just select the free website option, and wordpress template.
For a domain like bitcion.windowsauzre.net its free. If you want to point a domain like bitcoinbrisbane.com.au at it, it costs. |
i use facebook to blog my life and work.
Blogspot doesn't have any costs, it's a bit scary. I run a sort of online sales site thing through a blogspot page, not making huge money, but it's costing them a truckload of data without any ads enabled, and has been for years.All the blog names are f*****g taken, it's impossible to find something unique related to the subject you want to blog about. |
i use facebook to blog my life and work. god i f*****g hate contracting for a Telco... DAVO YOUR PHONE PERMITS ME TO HUNT YOU DOWN not taking vengance or anything... just saying eh. sorry spook... got no time for that beer now. I'm not religious dude - but I work 7 days a week... sorry I missed our chat |
I want to stop working 7 days a week not so keen on beer/party drugs |