wouldn't want to hit the sides!
That is unreal. I'd love/be to pussy to try a wingsuit.
Two guys have died this year that I'm aware of from wing suit related "uh oh"
The guy who jumped into the Brit Olympics as James Bond and another guy just last month in China. |
This was a related video, holy s*** Holy s*** is definitely the phrase... that left hand turn and second canyon/re-entrant that 'pilot' buzzes.... dayum! Two guys have died this year that I'm aware of from wing suit related "uh oh" Skydiving is a risky sport, when you're attempting to 'buzz the ground' at well more than 200KPH whilst falling from the sky, it isn't so much 'uh oh' as it us 'uh-SPLAT'. Buzzing canyon's like that is something better done with powered flight IMO, then again, I'm pretty sure that OP's cheer after deploying his 'chute is a delayed adrenaline response that he's probably still high on :P |
Has a filmmaker used a wingsuit pov shot in a movie yet? Could get some really awesome shots I reckon.
Jebb Corlis, probably the most experienced wingsuit flyer in the world has some inspirational thoughts on life and death.
He talks about how much fun he has making a living the way he does and asks the question, are normal people really living, sitting in front of the telivision all night, working in a job they hate. He is a f***en banana though. |
should i post the video of the base jumper who hits the wall half way down and smashes into the mountain, sheering off one of his feet and then lands and sits there in shock looking at his shattered legs?
What people who say that sort of thing fail to realize is it takes an awful lot of people sitting in front of their televisions working in a job they hate so a few people can do the awesome stuff that they like to watch on their TV's. Do you think there are enough peopel out their who WANT to clean port-a-loos? Who want to move garbage around? People who WANT to sit in factories sawing the same seam of the wingsuit line they have worked on in the factory for 15 years? Anyway you get my point, there are a lot of s***** jobs in this world that need doing. last edited by Tollaz0r! at 21:33:08 14/Nov/13 |
Totally! So you're saying that my being able to go wingsuit riding is entirely dependent on somebody cleaning up s***? |
Totally! I sure do. Furthermore I am flattered by your psychopathic commitment and infatuation with me. Got my own personal sniper. Its a s***** job but someones got to do it. |
Apparently they can traverse abiout 37 degrees off plumb depending on updrafts.
I have no source. |