Welcome to our server rentals community forum. This is where you can ask questions and give feedback about the AusGamers Server Rentals service. Official answers will come from Malthius and Eorl, with the occasional guest star post by trog. However, everyone is welcome to contribute to the discussion and answer questions: some of our community have been using GameCreate (our server configuration system) for a decade now, so you'll get some high quality community answers!
If you are looking for support for a server you've rented from us, you'll always get fastest support from our support team by using our contact page. However, we'll check these forums as often as we can, and another member of our community might be able to answer your question quickly, so feel free to ask away. We'll be progressively adding guides to configuring different servers, as well as some more advanced ideas for people who run multiple servers or just like to tinker. |
Reserved for an index to the forum content.