Over the weekend, Capcom revealed an incoming update for Super Street Fighter IV, expected to launch next year in the form of DLC, as well as a disc-based retail release. Well, now that update has a name, and it's Ultra Street Fighter IV, ultra being better than super don't you know.
In Ultra Street Fighter IV, Poison, Hugo, Elena, Rolento and a secret all-new playable character join the fight, complete with all new animations and their own unique play styles, bringing the current roster count to a massive 44 characters. Six new battle environments (including Pitstop 109, Cosmic Elevator, Half Pipe and more) provide a thrilling and colorful backdrop to the action. Direct fan feedback was gathered on all of Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition’s original 39 characters and core system mechanics in order to achieve the most balanced Street Fighter ever. Further details on the exciting new modes and gameplay features will be announced in the coming months.
Watch the trailer below, and hit the thumbs for a look at the Tekken characters Rolento, Hugo, Poison and Elana in their Street Fighter 4 appearance.
Ultra Street Fighter IV is scheduled for release on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC in Australia, Europe and North America in Early 2014.
so pretty much this DLC is pretty much putting Street Fighter X Tekken game together, to be honest i find Streetfighter X Tekken alot better to play, feels less laggy
Posted 11:36am 16/7/13
Posted 12:29pm 16/7/13
Posted 04:14pm 16/7/13
Posted 05:02pm 16/7/13
Thought they were from SF Alpha and SF3.
Posted 05:13pm 16/7/13
Posted 09:28pm 16/7/13
Correct, that what i meant :S