loved this. luaghed hard. to all you old retards: go die and maybe find a sense of humor while youre in hell.
this unfunny goat video is tearing us all appart
I liked the bit when the goat said bahhhh
I had an ex that made that sound :_(
that was just retarded. I find justin bieber funny enough as it. |
Saw a Taylor Swift one the other night on facebook. I don't get why it's funny. What the hell is up with all the goat related s*** in the past couple of weeks though? It's like some new goat meme has been born
First gay marriage and now you have asexual teenage pop stars marrying goats.
The world's going mad. |
it would seem that the 'goat music vid' is the latest wave of fads on YT.
I just don't see it, i have a huge sense of humor but that is anything but funny.
I am not sure it is supposed to be funny but it certainly improves Taylor Switft's song.
This one is soooo funnnny |
Glad he posted the longer Skrillex version with the cool edits. They're a lot better when syncopated and in tune. I posted this one last night. Everyone at work Rofl'd their asses off, but it hasn't gotten off the ground just yet. |