Until now, We had only seen a few scraps of in-game footage (and a tasty live action teaser) from The Creative Assembly's upcoming strategy title Total War: Rome II, but here's a much meatier look.
Gamespot has posted a nine-minute clip discussing Rome II with one of the game's developers, featuring generous portions of walkthrough gameplay action.
Wondering just how epic a battle can get? We sit down with James Russell from developer Creative Assembly for an exclusive first look at the battle gameplay from the new Total War: Rome II.
Check it out below. Total War: Rome II is due in Spring 2013 (Northern Fall) on PC.
Mother of jesuses. So long as they capture the music and pacing of the first Rome Total War, that is going to be the best thing that humanity has ever produced.
Posted 01:20pm 22/10/12
Posted 03:45pm 22/10/12
Posted 05:28pm 22/10/12