Just looking for an opinion on the PS Vita.
I was going to buy a 3DS as Big W is selling it for $168 atm. Figured i'd check PS Vita pricing. I found on amazon.de I can get the Vita Wifi, 8gb SD card, Rayman: Origins and Shipping for $268 AUD... Is it worth it? Never played a MGS either so the HD versions definitely interest me. I don't have a PS3 so the PS3->Vita feature is kind of useless to me. |
Its a cool piece of hardware, just depends how many games there are on it you want to play. As far as the hardware itself goes though, its pretty slick, I got one kind of spontaneously on a whim and it ended up impressing me a lot more than I expected it to.
Also, get Gravity Rush, probably the best thing I've played on it so far. |
I bought Gravity Rush for it the other day and I love it. While right now there may not be many awesome games for it but there will be some great ones that will come out eventually. If there isn't at least 2 games you like on it already though pass if you don't want to take the risk. For me the system was a must buy when I heard that a DJ Max Technika was coming out this year for it.
last edited by DM at 17:01:51 26/Jun/12 |
Decided to bite the bullet. There's more games on 3DS that I'd want but they're pretty much just similar games that are on the wii / coming to the wii u. I figure i've never owned a playstation in my life so would be nice to try something completely different. I'm a big fan of sport games so there's a few games there let alone MGS, Rayman, Mortal Kombat (prob) plus the ones mentioned.
Boom! I can play lumines for hours!
I saw the Sony dude demoing Little Big Planet on the Vita at the EB Expo last year, it looked pretty awesome. The way they used the touch screen back to push out objects in the puzzles looked all sorts of fun.
The main problem with the Vita is the same problem every new game platform with gimmicky motion controls have, ie, games using the gimmick stuff cos its there, when they'd be better off just not using it at all. Like, I really love Gravity Rush, but theres a "gravity slide" mechanic in that game that involves using the touch screen and motion controls to guide your character and its just frustrating and would work so much better just using normal controls. Same with Uncharted, too much un-necessary gimmicky stuff.
Khel, i agree some games on the vita are just painful like Escape Plan, though i thought that Uncharted integrated the touch really well, like being able to draw the path i want to take, though i am not that far into the game so maybe it gets worse..
also F1 on the vita rocks. |
Just keep in mind that it seems like Sony still didn't learn their lesson and sent the Vita out to die. Just have a read of the massively conflicting statements their product VP recently made, and this thing has no chance and will probably be Sony last handheld.
though i thought that Uncharted integrated the touch really well, like being able to draw the path i want to take, though i am not that far into the game so maybe it gets worse.. Yeah, I mean stuff like the log balancing, that seems like a really forced excuse for motion control. It does have some pretty fun uses of the touch screen though, like the slashing through bamboo and cleaning the dirt off artifacts or doing charcoal rubbings. But then other stuff like melee combat feels like it would have just worked better using controls instead of having to use the touch screen. I really enjoyed the game, but yeah, it was a bit of a mixed bag for me as far as controls go. |
As awesome as gravity rush is what it really lacks (or maybe I havn't unlocked that power yet) is the ability to quick-shift your gravity. So running into a wall while holding L for example would auto-lock you onto the wall. It sucks having to float for a second to turn up a wall or something.
Depending who you ask the vita is either good or dying a slow death. All handhelds start off slow though these days. 3DS still doesn't have any games that really grab me by the balls and IDK of any that are coming out either. |
I hadn't paid any attention to Gravity Rush. Just looking at the name, I assumed it was some sort of little mobile-type game, but the trailers look awesome. Just bought it.
Gravity Rush is f*****g awesome. That is all.
All consoles start off slow, i still remember people giving the ps3 flack for having nothing decent to play in the first 2 years of its life.
yeah i read about how doom and gloom people were about the Vita and then I suddenly realised it's only been out for like 4 months haha! (well 6 if you caount japan).
Really looking forward to it. Hoping ze german amazon are far more efficient than the american amazon. |
a month later (2 weeks after estimated delivery) it finally arrived haha.
Bumping the thread to double check which region I should set my PSN account to. Isn't your microsd card stuck to the region? also games are region free but the DLC isn't or did i read incorrectly? |
MicroSD? You mean Sony finally dropped MemoryStick? nah, my bad. I quick glanced and just assumed it was a micro-sd card. but yeah, memory cards are locked to PSN Region or something? |
I'm not sure exactly but once you set your region the only way you can reset it is to format the vita I think. I set my region to the US since I know an online store which you can buy US store PSN cards from. Gravity Rush for example only cost me like $38 or something vs the $65ish here.
The region isn't set by the console, it's set by the region of your PSN account, and it can never be changed. If you already have a PSN account, your region will be whatever you set out to when you originally created it.
If you're making a new one, I'd seriously consider setting the region to US so you can take advantage of their significantly better prices. You're right that the DLC is region locked, but if you buy your games from the US PSN store, that won't be a problem. It'll only matter if you buy a game from local store and then try to buy US DLC. |
yeah, this will be my first PSN account. Might make a US account then. Rayman Origins is EU copy but i can't see myself buying DLC for that one.
Magic, thanks for the help. |
I don't think Rayman has any DLC anyway.