We're kicking ourselves for not noticing it first, but the fine gents over at AU.IGN have uncovered the real story that developer Naughty Dog are telling underneath all that tomb-raiding and swashbuckling in the popular Uncharted games.
The Uncharted series has always been lauded for it's strong characters, owed to a terrific cast of actors and Hollywood-level screenwriting, but this discovery just shows that those guys are working on a whole other level.
Watch the video below to see for yourself (and yes, it is a slow news day):
For more -- actual -- information on Uncharted 3, hit up AusGamers review.
Posted 01:33am 18/1/12
Posted 11:16am 18/1/12
Posted 05:19pm 18/1/12
Posted 05:41pm 18/1/12