EB Games have sent along an update ahead of next weekend's Gold Coast event, outlining the various highlights of the show -- boasted as "the biggest video games even Australia has ever seen". Likely the most important thing that prospective attendees will want to know is just what upcoming games will you be able to get some hands on time with. From the
press release:
Fans will be able to have a hands on experience with two of the hottest games of the year before their release - Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 and Saints Row the Third.
Further titles on show and playable across the two days include Battlefield 3, Mass Effect 3, Uncharted 3, Assassins Creed Revelations, Darkness 2, Batman Arkham City, Super Mario 3D Land, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Mario Kart 7, Just Dance 3, Fifa 12, Rayman Origins, Ratchet and Clank All 4 one, Final Fantasy XIII 2, Metal Gear Solid 3D, Sonic Generations, UFC Undisputed 3, Resident Evil, WWE ’12, uDraw Marvel, Street Fighter X Tekken, Need For Speed: The Run, SSX, Soul Calibur 5, Pro Evolution Soccer 2012, Karaoke Revolution Glee: Vol 3. and many more!
The EB Expo takes place at the Gold Coast Convention & Exhibition Centre on the 15th and 16th of October 2011.
Posted 03:50pm 10/10/11
Posted 04:16pm 10/10/11
Posted 04:35pm 10/10/11
Posted 04:39pm 10/10/11
Posted 04:41pm 10/10/11
I'd go just to play zelda.
Posted 04:44pm 10/10/11
edit: Oh, maybe only on show.
Posted 05:00pm 10/10/11
Posted 05:01pm 10/10/11
Posted 05:03pm 10/10/11
this is probably the funniest thing ive read all day hahahahaha
Posted 05:40pm 10/10/11
True story too. Cant wait to hear what happens when they get back. Probably spend the nights playing xbox together without a girl even seeing their unit. Poor bastards.
Posted 05:44pm 10/10/11
Posted 05:49pm 10/10/11
Posted 05:52pm 10/10/11
Posted 05:59pm 10/10/11
Posted 07:12pm 10/10/11
She lives in Mackay.
Her Boyfriend has Booked a weekend down the GC.
As a "surprise" he is taking her to the EB Games Expo Saturday night.
She has a wii and I she has played it twice.
Posted 07:14pm 10/10/11
Posted 07:29pm 10/10/11
Posted 07:37pm 10/10/11
I'll take some photos with my digital camera and bring them back for you guys. Really looking forward to checking out BF3 and mass effect 3. We pre-paid "gold" VIP tickets, that cost us 100 $ so we will see what we get for it!.
Posted 07:34pm 10/10/11
Posted 07:35pm 10/10/11
Me and a few mates from work have decided to go along and see what all the fuss is about.
Hah, the kind that'll only give you herpes instead of HIV.
Posted 07:46pm 10/10/11
And for the record, the chicks there were hot, _and_ approachable. (Trust me to hit on the one that had a boyfriend tho hehe)
Posted 07:59pm 10/10/11
Posted 08:17pm 10/10/11
Console audience.
Posted 06:38am 11/10/11
You're not going there to 'bang hawt gurls' or whatever, you're going there to see the show for a few hours, then get ratfaced afterwards.
Posted 07:27am 11/10/11
Posted 09:31am 11/10/11
Posted 10:43am 11/10/11
Posted 10:48am 11/10/11
As for the girls, if i was going i wouldnt be looking to pick up as im in a relationship. I just think its funny my mate and his buddies believe they are gonna score plenty of hot ass @ the expo.
Posted 10:50am 11/10/11
Help! my moral compass is going crazy!
Posted 11:11am 11/10/11
Posted 11:33am 11/10/11
Posted 12:39pm 11/10/11
Ivonin coaxed me into going for the same reason. I want to see what one of these things is like and hopefully have some fun while doing so. No need to be a bunch of pessimistic c**** about it. This is a gaming forum last time I checked?!!?
Posted 12:46pm 11/10/11
Posted 01:45pm 11/10/11
/not really
Posted 09:35pm 11/10/11
Posted 09:48pm 11/10/11
Please consider your environment before posting.
Posted 10:12pm 11/10/11
Posted 10:16pm 11/10/11
Posted 12:03am 12/10/11
Posted 12:59pm 14/10/11
Look out for the shaved head dude who's beard length is slightly longer than the shaved head length. Also i just might wear the Gears of War 3 shirt that i got from AG. Come and say hi and i just might give you a discount on rev's next blow job.
Posted 02:48pm 14/10/11
Posted 03:21pm 14/10/11
Not their sales, i mean support their expo.
Posted 04:04pm 14/10/11
Posted 04:24pm 14/10/11
Posted 05:41pm 15/10/11
Posted 05:47pm 15/10/11
Posted 05:58pm 15/10/11
I thought that guy was a twat. I also found it pretty rude that everyone was just leaving in droves before the 'segment' actually finished - right when Peter Moore came back on stage. Still, what can you expect from a mob.
Anyway, general impressions:
1) There were a lot of people there. The space itself was pretty huge but there were some very VERY long wait times for some of the bigger games, BF3, Skyrim (which was a video only), MW3, Halo HD remake thing, Batman etc.
2) The EB Live presentation stuff was actually well done. The Vita demo was interesting, and it was kinda cool actually seeing some of the developers doing the presentations. Peter Moore was on hand to talk EA fluff in general. A few of the guys from DICE were out to talk about BF3 and there were some guys showing off FFX13-2 and some other games too.
3) There wasn't anything new. Old footage, there were games that were already out, and given the time of year most games are going to be out in the next 4 weeks. BF3, MW3, Batman, Uncharted 3, Zelda...lots of huge games but only a few weeks away. I guess that's too be expected.
4) WTF - why are people queuing to buy games from the EB store onsite? The queue was f*****g MASSIVE, and the games were EB prices!! WTF. We went to JB hi-fi on the way home and picked up Forza 4 for $79, EB was selling it for like $110.
I would like for them to change up the format a little if they do it again - and since it was successful I think they will. Have more Live / stage show stuff. If you can't have a main stage and a sub stage then keep the Main stage stuff going on day. Make it more interactive, all people in the room to make comments and ask the developers etc questions about the games.
Overall, good, but they should expand the developer focus next year I think.
Posted 06:04pm 15/10/11
Posted 06:16pm 15/10/11
I thought the guy that wolf whistled yelled out "take it off!" to the lady that did the intros was more of a twat to be honest.
Bloody hell the queues were long though, it wouldn't have been *too* bad, if you there were some video monitors where you could watch people playing while you're standing in the line. The playing area for those big titles was locked up tight though. :(
The PS Vita demo with Little Big Planet was great though, really liked that one :D
Re: the EB store on site - I heard there were massive discounts on stuff early in the day and that's why people were joining the mile long queue to get in there? Not sure how true that was though, because it was mostly empty by the time I walked past but the line hadn't got any shorter.
Posted 06:47pm 15/10/11
Posted 02:10pm 16/10/11
He was talking about how they invite feedback, so he kind of invited it. As for the intro lady, she was extremely hot so I don't think a little heckle about her being hot really is a problem. People were just mucking around having fun. The lines were to long because they over-sold tickets and the VIP really got you f*** all considering the 100 $ price tag in the end.
My other gripe was of the few pc's setup they were s***/slow rigs and nothing was calibrated correctly. The mouses they were using didn't even work properly and you couldn't play at all really.
The highlight was trying the racing simulators. The f1 simulator was awesome.
Posted 03:44pm 16/10/11
Anyone tried to Street Fighter x Tekken?