Bethesda have released the first trailer for the freshly announced Prey 2, the sequel to the acclaimed 2006 shooter from Human Head Studios that featured alien abductions, Native-American mysticism and portals. However, those hoping to get a glimpse of gameplay today will be disappointed, but at least it's a bit more than the usual debut teaser trailer. Not to spoil anything, today's clip is a live action short of of a new alien attack.
We still don't know anything else about the game at this point. Bethesda promises that the first details will appear in the May issue of PSM3, which I can only assume is one of those ancient tomes that our ancestors used to communicate with.
Prey 2 is scheduled for a 2012 release on PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Check out the trailer below or
click here for the HD streaming option.
Posted 12:34pm 17/3/11
Posted 01:43pm 17/3/11
Posted 01:46pm 17/3/11
Posted 03:14pm 17/3/11
Posted 03:21pm 17/3/11
Prey2 info
Posted 03:21pm 17/3/11
Posted 03:25pm 17/3/11
Posted 04:23pm 17/3/11
Posted 04:50pm 17/3/11