As we close in on the impending invasion of a unified Korean Peoples Army next week (scary knowing when it's going to happen, really), our very own Chad Drake got to have a look at the game for a different perspective, given Dan and I have done the majority of
Homefront reportage over the past two years.
Still, he takes away from it much of the same as myself and a lot of the rest of the gaming community; that is a sense of emotional investment few games of this genre pull off, and an equal sense of dread at what's in store when the KPA take-over.
Click here for his full preview.
Also, in the lead up to the game's release, we have an awesome PC-centric give away that, among cool PC gaming gear, also gives you a chance to get your hands on a freaking AR Parrot Drone! Pulled right from the multiplayer (and I'm assuming single-player).
Click here to enter that one.
We'll have a full review of Homefront up next week ahead of the game's release, so stay tuned for the final AusGamers verdict.
Posted 04:58pm 08/3/11
Posted 06:01pm 08/3/11