Ubisoft and Techland have released the debut trailer for the next installment in their western shooter franchise, Call of Juares: The Cartel, which brings a present-day setting to the previously old-west series. There's no gameplay here, just a CG cinematic, and it's not as slick as Techlands other
recent trailer for Dead Island, but it should still offer some idea on what to expect from this one.
Call of Juarez: The Cartel is set in present day and brings the best elements of the Wild West to a new and modern setting. As a first person shooter with an immersive and mature story, players can expect to embark on a journey like none other – one that will take them from the heart of modern day Los Angeles, California to Juarez, Mexico.
Watch it below or
click here for the HD option.
Call of Juarez: The Cartel is due late this year on PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 .
Posted 05:58pm 04/3/11