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Post by Steve Farrelly @ 01:43pm 10/02/11 | 18 Comments
Yesterday we reported on getting all up in Bulletstorm's grill for being an over-the-top, bloody, violent and swear-wordy game. They used what is called "yellow journalism"; a method to 'report' opinion using pure sensationalism, and with a quote like "The increase in rapes can be attributed in large part to the playing out of [sexual] scenes in video games", from 'expert' Carol Lieberman, they probably did a pretty good job of scaring the uninformed masses who flock around Fox News' warped sense of justice and reporting.

When you attack the games industry though, you're attacking a field of intelligent, on-the-pulse people, who are always more than ready to defend their industry.

Rock, Paper, Shotgun looked further into this story; digging to see just how these 'experts' formed their opinions and also found a few experts whose thoughts on the "Bulletstorm expose" were (not so) oddly left out of yesterday's reported piece. One such person was Scott Steinberg, CEO of TechSavvy Global, who responded to a list of questions Fox sent out in a blanket email to various people to help form their narrative. Below is an example of a question from and Steinberg's response.
Fox: In Bulletstorm, you can shoot people in the privates, wrap them with a spiked chain and pull them in and kill them, and shoot people when drunk — all for extra points. There are also a lot of F-words. Do you think the game goes too far, why or why not?

Steinberg: No – because it’s an unapologetically and straightforwardly satirical game meant for discerning adults that’s written in the vernacular of the times and speaks in a cultural context that’s the same as that its target audience has long been indoctrinated in by mainstream media and pop culture. From Saw to South Park, look at what passes for modern entertainment at the movies or on basic cable, let alone on the Internet – this isn’t the first blockbuster (or big-budget game, for that matter) to aim below the belt or slather on the salty language. Yes, it’s shameless, but also knowingly so, because it actively aims to parody much of both the gaming field and larger cultural zeitgeist’s more asinine elements. The designers make no secret of their intentions, or to whom the title caters – The Oregon Trail, this isn’t. The giant M for Mature rating on the front of the box says it all: Only discerning adults need apply.
Be sure to check out the full article at Rock, Paper, Shotgun, it's a great read and shows how resourceful and informed our industry can actually be.

bulletstormfox newsausgamerssensaltionalism

Latest Comments
Posted 01:46pm 10/2/11
Nice reply. Damn thats a well written paragraph.
Posted 01:52pm 10/2/11
Hehe, of course they'd leave out the unapproved comments. Then their scaremongering wouldn't work!
Posted 01:53pm 10/2/11
"The increase in rapes can be attributed in large part to the playing out of [sexual] scenes in video games", from 'expert' Carol Lieberman

I still don't get this quote, has there been an increase in rapes? in what country's? in what areas? what the demographic of people doing the rapes?

Is it because 20-30 males play games and I assume are also more likely to commit rape than say 70 year old females.

Was there an actual study done, or was it just some made up bulls***?
Posted 01:58pm 10/2/11
Made up bulls***. It's fox news, just don't listen.
Posted 02:12pm 10/2/11
Fox news, channel 7

what's the difference
Posted 03:32pm 10/2/11
Faux News.
Posted 03:37pm 10/2/11
I dont get why so many americans watch this crap
Posted 03:40pm 10/2/11
Didn't Fox news get a court order saying making up news is protected under the first amendment? I think they did. Yeah for making up BS again Fox.
Posted 03:43pm 10/2/11
Fux news.
Posted 04:09pm 10/2/11
most intelligent people know that fox news is just a Republican / conservative propaganda machine.

the audience they speak to wouldn't understand 90% of the words in that reply, let alone believe it.
Posted 09:51am 11/2/11
Kotaku interviewed the Doctor who made the quote Fox used. They, as usual, took part of a quote:
Full quote
“Video games have increasingly, and more brazenly, connected sex and violence in images, actions and words. This has the psychological impact of doubling the excitement, stimulation and incitement to copycat acts. The increase in rapes can be attributed, in large part, to the playing out of such scenes in video games.”

And then there is:
She doesn’t think games alone trigger any of this. She believes that troubled upbringings are a major factor and explain why so many gamers don’t resort to the awful behaviours that concern her.

And of course some gamers who felt hard done by emailed her abusive violent emails. *facepalm*
Posted 11:29am 11/2/11
Look the main reason TV stations love to run anti gaming sentiment is because gaming is televisions first real serious competition in the home entertainment marketplace. They are just bad mouthing their opposition. Fox news doesn't give a rats ass about anyones welfare.
Steve Farrelly
Posted 12:28pm 11/2/11
That's not what's really at play here though. I agree with all the "it's Fox News, what did you expect" sentiments, but the audacity is what it is, the sheer tenacious stance they have on literally bending the truth.

That audacity's price is the above sentiment; when did we become so accustomed to literally being lied to that we're complacent about it now? This is why it's amazing they attacked games and gamers so personally, because I look at gamers as being like the Honey Badger because as Wiki explains about the Honey Badger, it "has few natural predators due to its thick skin and ferocious defensive abilities".

I've seen a Honey Badger bitten by a Cobra on the face and die, right in front of a doco film crew... 10 minutes later it awoke from seeming 'death' shook its head and continued to hunt and then devour the snake that bit it. I think this whole scenario is very fitting :)
Posted 12:35pm 11/2/11
the sheer tenacious stance they have on literally bending the truth.

Steve Farrelly
Posted 01:07pm 11/2/11
so they haven't bent the truth Midda?
Posted 04:56pm 11/2/11
As I posted elsewhere, Fox have the law ont heir side. Apparently it's their legal right to lie due to the Constitution.
Appellate Court Rules Media Can Legally Lie.
By Mike Gaddy. Published Feb. 28, 2003
On February 14, a Florida Appeals court ruled there is absolutely nothing illegal about lying, concealing or distorting information by a major press organization. The court reversed the $425,000 jury verdict in favor of journalist Jane Akre who charged she was pressured by Fox Television management and lawyers to air what she knew and documented to be false information. The ruling basically declares it is technically not against any law, rule, or regulation to deliberately lie or distort the news on a television broadcast.

Highlight mine. Telling the truth on the news is a "suggestion"

This is what I think of when I think of Rupert Murdoch
Posted 05:19pm 11/2/11
so they haven't bent the truth Midda?

Not literally, no, because you can't literally bend something that doesn't physically exist.

I wasn't defending them, I was just being picky about the usage of the word "literally."
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