Dragon Age 2's focus on a more narrative-driven experience with a fully voiced and designed character, Hawk, doesn't mean you won't get a little freedom in the choice of player-class.
BioWare have released a video today that shows of the three classes you'll be able to choose from in Dragon Age 2: Warrior, Mage and Rogue. These are fairly obligatory in high-fantasy games, but pretty cool nonetheless. Moreover, we get a decent look at the game's new visual art-style which is looking much better than the last Dragon Age outing, while we can all breathe a sigh of relief at the clear snubbing of that terrible nu-metal music that accompanied trailers for Dragon Age.
Watch it embedded below, or
click here for the HD option.
Posted 04:12pm 09/2/11
you've just been bamboozled
Posted 04:35pm 09/2/11
I always get the rubbish quality youtube links anyway, and feel I deserve it.