Much talk has hit the airwaves since
Sony revealed the PSP's successor in the the aptly acronymed Next Generation Portable (NGP), and today they've released the first public video showing off the new devices features and a number of games in the works for it.
It features a touch-pad on the back as well as a touch-sensitive screen, dual analogue controls, a camera in the back for augmented reality features and much, much more. So don't take my word for it, watch the video embedded below to see if they can launch a new handheld worth more than its weight in gold (and more than the PSP in terms of life-span), against Nintendo's forthcoming 3DS.
Click here for the streaming HD option.
Posted 02:21pm 03/2/11
Will people realy care if its just a faster PSP with the same games?
Posted 02:28pm 03/2/11
Posted 04:06pm 03/2/11
It's essentially a PS3 you can take with you, now that it has dual analogue and the potential for a constant internet connection. It's a pretty big deal, and I'm now slightly more interested in this than I am the 3DS.
Posted 04:10pm 03/2/11
Posted 04:17pm 03/2/11
Posted 04:36pm 03/2/11
I thinks its been pretty overwhelmingly shown that people DONT just want a faster version of the old thing.
PS Move
The DS killed th PSP, even though its much slower hardware. Why, because of innovation with the dual screen and touch screens.
Nintendo continue to inovate with the 3DS etc, lets see what people do with the NGP or whatever its called. I reckon augmented reality is a pretty cool feature.
Posted 05:41pm 03/2/11
So Nintendo wins next Gen handheld portable and the other people will just use Apple crap or Android for portable gaming
Posted 06:25pm 03/2/11
Posted 06:33pm 03/2/11
If it's < $300 for the basic model i'll pick it up. However I doubt it as Sony tend to think they can charge what ever they want.
If only they could produce them with an apple logo... Sony would sell millions at $1000+ !
Posted 06:37pm 03/2/11
Posted 06:43pm 03/2/11
NGP is postured as very much a core-gaming device, which is a very narrow target market. It's an especially risky venture imo, especially since 3DS not only has a decent core-appeal itself but the wow-factor of glasses-free 3D that can play 3D movies and take 3D photos. Every kid (over 6) is going to be getting their parents to buy them one and gamers will be buying them too, it's going to print money.
NGP might have its place, if they price it low enough. Chances of that happening with such a powerful device and Sony's history seem pretty damn slim at this point though.
From a gamer's perspective, one thing NGP has going for it is the controls. Dual analogues, a touch screen, shoulder buttons and a rear touch pad. Basically every popular home console game is going to be able to be ported on to that thing, which should be a major boon for it.
Posted 06:54pm 03/2/11
Speaking of iPad, I find it great for games, but the graphics need to stepped up a notch and sometime touch an gyro don't cut it. This looks like it covers those bases.
That said, like dan said, are the that many people who want a device like that. Or more importantly, willing to pay for it. Plus pay probably $50+ a pop for games.
It would be cool if they had an appstore type deal with small cheapish games (like iOS) as well as bigger full releases from major publishers they can charge more for.
Posted 07:02pm 03/2/11
Some European Sony head guy has said that it "won't cost $599" which I guess is a good thing haha. My guess will be around $450 - 500 though.
Posted 07:16pm 03/2/11
You're forgetting the Australia Tax. Here it will be $699.95.
Posted 11:30pm 03/2/11
Posted 10:05am 04/2/11
You can already see some of this in some of the titles due on it by June (so still in the launch window). These games specifically all have an element of core-appeal (although not necessarily "mature"): That's a pretty big chunk of games and if it manages to properly establish a core base, I think there's every chance we'll see just as many (if not more) "mature games" land on the 3DS as the PSP2.
Posted 06:05pm 04/2/11