If you're still ploughing through last year's massive list of games and/or DLC, chances are you might have missed Dead Rising 2's epilogue,
Case West, which saw both Dead Rising and Dead Rising 2's protagonists, Frank West and Chuck Greene, respectively, working together.
Our most recent reviewer didn't, however, and has put together a short and sweet write-up on just what to expect when you put these two in the same room as a bunch of flesh-eating zombies; you know, one who can don a moustache and brandish about a pool cleaner, and the other with a camera... need I say more?
Click here for ko-zee-ii's full review.
Posted 02:30pm 24/1/11
IT also seems like they're slowly taking away all the perceived "bad" features from the game like OP psychopaths and survivor escorts. Problem is they arent replacing it with anything decent. In DR2 the survivors were actually strong enough that I liked having them along with me for a bit of extra protection and personality. Now they're just lifeless fetch quests.
The DR series was interesting because of all the strange genre mashing that was going on. I couldnt tell if I was playing survival horror, an adventure game or a hack n slash. Now they're trying to turn it into a straight action game and the weak combat mechanics just can't carry it as such. They really missed the mark with this one imo.