The force, as it were, is not strong with this one. Kosta Andreadis, our resident Qui Gon Jinn, pricked the arm of LucasArts'
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed 2 and found its midichlorian count to be much lower than most anticipated, meaning, it is most definitely not of natural conception nor a chosen one.
That isn't to say there's nothing here to enjoy, because there is, it's just that the game's Jedi training, like Luke Skywalker's, was seemingly cut short, leaving it half the jedi it could have been (Luke was the chosen one though, so he can leave his training early).
Click here for the full review.
Posted 04:20pm 01/11/10
Posted 04:49pm 01/11/10
Posted 04:55pm 01/11/10
Posted 05:03pm 01/11/10
Posted 05:40pm 01/11/10
After they cancelled the third one that was already in production during the making of this, I doubt they are going to make a third.
Posted 08:23am 02/11/10
Posted 11:21am 02/11/10
Posted 11:27am 02/11/10
Posted 11:29am 02/11/10
Posted 11:50am 02/11/10
Bring on the Vanquish Review already!
Posted 04:41pm 02/11/10
haha I knew he reminded me of someone.
I must've had too much cod liver oil prior to playing this. The Force flowed straight through me.. burning up too much valuable Minecrack time along with my ring in the process.
Posted 10:56am 04/11/10