Bethesda have sent along the next video in their developer diary series for the hotly anticipated first person shooter Brink. In today's clip the Splash Damage crew including Art Director Olivier Leonardi and (Aussie) Lead Environment Artist Aaron Hoffman discuss a topic that has seen some pretty polarised responses from the community - the game's part realstic, part cartoonish art direction.
Watch the latest video
right here on AusGamers.
Posted 03:45pm 01/9/10
Olivier is wrong.
Posted 03:56pm 01/9/10
Posted 04:00pm 01/9/10
The idea that Brinks quasi-cartoonish style has the effect of making characters individuality stand out a bit more is a good positive imo. Considering the level of character customisation and the persistent character stats, I reckon it's pretty cool that it's easier to identify individual players quickly on the battlefield just with a glance.
I'm not completely sold on the overall style yet myself and will be interested to see how it holds up over the various maps but I'm not really getting all the super harsh criticism some people are barking - it's not like they took an existing franchise and warped it into this, it's fresh IP.
Posted 10:33pm 01/9/10