Starting today off with a bang - fresh from E3 we've got the brand new trailer for the hugely anticipated Civilization 5. The trailer weighs in at 340mb but it's pretty good lookin', so if you can spare
the download it's definitely recommended. The trailer includes Sid Meier himself explaining some of the background of the game and shows off a heap of new in-game footage.
Posted 10:21am 17/6/10
Posted 10:45am 17/6/10
Posted 10:52am 17/6/10
Posted 02:19pm 17/6/10
Posted 02:24pm 17/6/10
Wifey looks at me with bleary eyes: "What time is it?"
"Good question actually..."
"Hoggy, ITS F*****G 5AM GO TO BED"
Posted 10:07pm 17/6/10
And people say WoW is addicting >.<
Posted 10:29pm 17/6/10
Yeh the just-one-more-turn thing is evil.
Civ 5 looks so awesome tho. Will have to import it if the Steam pricing stays absurd.
Posted 10:57pm 17/6/10
No doubt I will be losing lots of sleep when civ 5 comes out.
Posted 11:15pm 17/6/10
Posted 01:29am 18/6/10