The little action racing franchise that wouldn't quit is back for another bout, as Ubisoft today reveal
DRIVER - a new addition to the series that began back in 99 on the original PlayStation.
Absolutely nothing is confirmed about the game as yet, other than the promise that more will be revealed at the Ubisoft Pre-E3 media-briefing in Los Angeles next week.
The game's numberless title might suggest that it's a series reboot, however the promo art bears the text "Guess Who's Back?". Although for all we know, it may gain a subtitle upon announcement. For now, we'll have to make do with this
live-action teaser trailer.
The Driver games haven't exactly been the most memorable, is anyone excited yet?
Posted 02:01pm 09/6/10
That teaser is pretty much the first thing you do in the game. It acts as both a test and a tutorial.
Posted 02:14pm 09/6/10
I'll beg to differ and say that the 1st driver on the ps1 was one of the most memorable games for me on the system (along with MGS). I loved the whole 60's/70's theme with gangstas, car chases and getaways from cops while listening to that funky music. That beasty black Mustang sitting in the carpark brought back some good gaming memories, especially with the lil check list of the maneuvers you had to do in the car park to prove your worth as a low life gangsta.
The police survival crash mode thingy was pure fun. They don't make em like they used to.
Driver 2, even with its updated graphics didn't do it for me. Then they completely lost the plot with driver 3 by allowing Tanner to get out of the car. What a let down. The series deserves a reboot. Let's just hope they don't manage to screw it all up.
Posted 02:13pm 09/6/10
Posted 02:33pm 09/6/10
Posted 03:20pm 09/6/10
Posted 04:37pm 09/6/10
First 2 were good though
Posted 04:40pm 09/6/10
Posted 05:45pm 09/6/10
Posted 06:05pm 09/6/10
Posted 12:57pm 10/6/10
Posted 12:58pm 10/6/10