The internet is abuzz with rumour, speculation and puzzlement over a mysterious countdown clock that has appeared on, home of Rare, former Nintendo second-party developer who are currently owned by Microsoft Game Studios.
The countdown is obviously related to E3, and if I had to put any guesses out there, it would also be related very specifically to Natal. We haven't heard much from Rare other than their work on the Xbox Live Avatar system, and given the countdown also features an Avatar, it's likely the system will also be employed in whatever it is they're revealing.
Rare are most notably remembered for their efforts on the N64 with the likes of Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Conker's Bad Fur Day and Star Fox Adventures. Their games for Microsoft have been sub-par at best, with most suggesting they're but a shell of their former self with most original leads off and doing their own thing.
Any thoughts on what they could be holding up their sleeve?
Posted 08:18am 09/6/10
Posted 08:42am 09/6/10
Posted 08:57am 09/6/10
Posted 09:23am 09/6/10
Posted 09:40am 09/6/10
Posted 09:40am 09/6/10
Posted 09:46am 09/6/10
Killer Instinct, Golden Eye, Perfect Dark, Donkey Kong country series, battletoads are some of my favorite games hands down.
Personally i would prefer to see a Killer Instinct 3 but sadly i don't see it happening.
What happened to their old logo :( ?
Posted 09:44am 09/6/10
Posted 10:05am 09/6/10
Posted 10:42am 09/6/10
That's one game i've been meaning to buy. Was a MASSIVE banjo kazooie/rare fan but just felt dirty on a xbox. should be able to pick it up cheap.
And my bet is that it's killer instinct 3. they've been hinting it for years.
Posted 11:00am 09/6/10
Posted 11:01am 09/6/10
Posted 11:19am 09/6/10
If it's true i'll buy you a copy of it
(but you'll have to pay me back, cash, all in 20's).
Posted 02:40pm 09/6/10
Posted 02:52pm 09/6/10
Posted 03:16pm 09/6/10
Posted 03:29pm 09/6/10
Posted 04:43pm 09/6/10
Also the new logo sucks arse, give us the awesome gold one.
Posted 05:33pm 09/6/10
Also, I only just noticed another error in the OP: It was Star Fox Adventures, Star Fox: Dinosaur Planet was the working name.
Posted 05:37pm 09/6/10
Posted 05:44pm 09/6/10
Posted 06:04am 10/6/10
Bring back Blast Corpse or Jet Force Gemini - those two games owned.
Posted 01:02pm 10/6/10
Posted 07:20pm 10/6/10
Posted 08:01pm 10/6/10
locational damage?
awesome multiplayer?>
unreal story?>
ground breaking when released?
yes to everything
Posted 08:04pm 10/6/10
Posted 08:08pm 10/6/10
Posted 08:10pm 10/6/10
what a lamer
Posted 08:24pm 10/6/10
N64 was the s***.