The game is literally around the corner - we have it, and are running it through its paces ahead of our official review in the coming days, but prior to that, Rockstar have released the absolute final trailer for
Red Dead Redemption, and it's an epic one.
If all the hyperbole up until now, all of our own previews and features don't sway you in this game's direction, then maybe this trailer will. It shows off the game's overall tone, more of the lush landscape and all the action and excitement you're going to be facing. Check it out embedded below, and stay tuned next week for the official AusGamers Red Dead Redemption review.
Posted 01:51pm 14/5/10
Posted 03:33pm 14/5/10
Posted 03:34pm 14/5/10
Posted 03:37pm 14/5/10
They have a lesser version of it.
Posted 03:48pm 14/5/10
edit: can't watch the video @ work (assuming it's on that)
Posted 03:54pm 14/5/10
End of April from memory.
Edit: hahaha yea May I meant May.
Posted 03:52pm 14/5/10
Says wiki
Posted 03:52pm 14/5/10
Wikipedia quotes IGN as the int'l release date of May 21st.
Edit: oh snap, beaten
Posted 03:53pm 14/5/10
ps. that trailer is the worst ive seen out of the several already released
Posted 03:59pm 14/5/10
Posted 04:10pm 14/5/10
I still stand by August for the PC version.
Posted 04:31pm 14/5/10
Posted 04:56pm 14/5/10
this was a gentle hint for it to be displayed in the game profile on agn ;)
Posted 04:57pm 14/5/10
Posted 05:01pm 14/5/10
Posted 05:50pm 14/5/10
...I've preordered my copy already. :]
Posted 05:54pm 14/5/10
Posted 05:55pm 14/5/10
Posted 06:04pm 14/5/10
I knew better :p
Posted 07:10pm 14/5/10
PC noobs cry more.
Posted 07:27pm 14/5/10
Posted 08:47pm 14/5/10
Too right I am, but I don't get all defensive about it. Actually now I feel the need clarify, I only say PC because it's faster to type than keyboard & mouse. Add a keyboard & mouse to an Xbox or PS3 and I'd buy one for sure. Until then, PC wins.
Oh and nice going AG.
Posted 09:37pm 14/5/10
Posted 10:37pm 14/5/10
Also great to see that Ausgamers made it to the box :D
Posted 10:44pm 14/5/10
I've got a fragnstein mouse+nunchuck for ps3 but it is a poor substitute (beats a controller easily, domination online)
Posted 10:52pm 14/5/10
I bought an xbox 360 controller for PC last week because playing the game whose engine this game is built on with a mouse and keyboard is ... well ... s***.
Posted 10:57pm 14/5/10
Posted 11:36pm 14/5/10
Posted 11:51pm 14/5/10
Yea I got a wired xbox 360 controller for $45 for my PC, makes it hard to justify getting a console for driving/fighting/sports games.
There's lots wrong with that but I doubt AG would do so. Maybe Steve really likes westerns.
Posted 01:30am 15/5/10
Hopefully this comes to PC soon :)
Posted 10:07am 15/5/10
If it comes out on PC later, freakin epic! but otherwise whats your real reason to complain if not just for the sake of complaining?
Posted 10:51am 15/5/10
But wasn't GTA IV so bad and so buggy when it came out on PC that Rockstar were giving refunds to people on Steam?
Posted 04:43pm 15/5/10
Posted 05:41pm 15/5/10
Posted 06:25pm 15/5/10
Posted 06:52pm 15/5/10
It was funny earlier he had a guy tied up on the back of his horse, he found a train, raced it and ran past it, laid the guy down on the tracks and watched the train run him over. I doubt the video runs 24/7 so if there's nothing happening when you click the link the dude is probably sleeping or something :P
Posted 08:04pm 15/5/10
Posted 08:18pm 15/5/10
...~3 minutes of some horse and cart race mission, then mission completed:
"Ha f*** yeah! I am awesome"
...cut scene, then save or something...
"I gotta go get a drink and take a piss now"
There was some clips of other random s*** included as well, not related to RDR at all.
Also: "1005 viewers"
Posted 09:38pm 15/5/10
Edit: HAHAH he just found a horse inside a saloon, rode it over to a table full of guys and put it's front legs up on the table then said "Deal me in boys"
Posted 09:50pm 15/5/10
Posted 12:37am 16/5/10
Posted 09:23am 16/5/10
how i read it:
"the greatest best game of forever since THE BEGINNING OF TIME AND THE FUTURE!!!"
Posted 10:54am 16/5/10
Really is there even a need for reviews of this game. I mean the pedigree behind the guys who made it makes this an instant buy regardless.
But when the reviews come out, theyll be kissing more arse than GTA IV and MGS 4 combined.
Ohh and every threads got to b**** about PCs?? I swear you wouldnt b**** so much if the games actually came out on PC. Instead of whinging about not playing the game, just swallow your pride and buy a console. The shtick is ollllddd.
Posted 12:02pm 16/5/10
went on at about 12am this morning and apparently he had been playing all night until 6.30am lol.
Posted 12:50pm 16/5/10
No game is an instant buy, especially a Rockstar game and no we would not 'b****' so much if they would release on all platforms simultaneously, that's kind of the point. I know this game will play better on PC because it has guns and therefor aiming, it's a no brainer. Also confirmed by watching the livestream last night, his cam control was horrid and it's all auto aim s***, apart from the lasso, which he missed with... a lot.
The PC thing comes up a lot on AG cuz most on here are PC gamers, so get used to it I guess or ignore it.
Posted 01:52pm 16/5/10
Posted 02:15pm 16/5/10
Rockstar games are no instant buy??? again I do not understand this. Was GTA IV no good for you?? If this isnt the highest rated game on metacritic this year ill eat the game disc, thats how confident I am this game will be awesome.
I dont know you must live in some bizarro world where PC gaming is the predominant platform and rockstar make s*** games.
Your world sux.
P.S. Learn how to use a controller, its not that hard.
Posted 02:25pm 16/5/10
Then again people on console think halo is good.
Posted 02:46pm 16/5/10
Posted 02:59pm 16/5/10
TBH console only titles are fine, i would prefer them to be released on ALL platforms but not if it is a s*** port from a console to PC and it turns into a mudpie full of s*** for taste.
In a perfect world we would all accept they are all great systems and get along.... Perfect world... :(
Posted 03:06pm 16/5/10
You can change, you dont have to feel guilty about it, no one will think any less of you, just buy a console you can do it. End your pointless suffering.
Posted 03:10pm 16/5/10
If red dead redemption was coming out on PC I would be purchasing it on that platform but instead I will be playing it on low graphics settings with a half retarded fragnstein mouse for ps3. Forget any form of customisation besides a scrolling bar in the settings for sensitivity lulz.
Posted 03:23pm 16/5/10
2. A large screen TV with surround sound and awesome couch more than negates the 'low graphics settings' as you would call it.
3. Forget customisation and just play the bloody game.
3. There isnt a PC version anyway so its a mute point.
Posted 03:25pm 16/5/10
Posted 03:34pm 16/5/10
2. PC's can do that
3. You can 'just play the game' on PC or you can customise. CHOICE
4. that is the problem.
Posted 03:35pm 16/5/10
Thats a pretty big call with Starcraft 2, Cataclysm and Halo: Reach all due out this year! I'm going to save a bookmark to this thread, and I expect video evidence of you eating the discs if your prediction is proven false.
Though, I do agree about the big tv and comfy couch bit. I find myself much more enjoying gaming these days lounging on my couch in front of my tv, than I do sitting in front of my PC. I bought Bad Company 2 ages ago on PC and while its a good game I've hardly played it at all, cos I just can't really bring myself to game much on my PC anymore these days. Maybe its cos I work on it all day, I just want to get away from it in my leisure time. Its certainly not a "Consoles are better lulz" type issue, theres plenty of great games on PC, but I guess they offer different gaming experiences and I find myself more and more these days not in the mood for what the PC offers.
Posted 03:53pm 16/5/10
Posted 04:17pm 16/5/10
They will release on PC because there would not be much involved in porting it and it will make them more money and I'm no rockstar fanboy because they sell out to microsoft and delay the PC versions, I don't need much more reason than that. I don't care about metacritic myself, I judge the games I play by how much I enjoy them, trying to shoot something with a controller is not fun at all and for me game breaking, remember I do actually aim, not auto aim, big difference.
I didn't say or imply that PC is the predominant platform, I do believe and indeed imply that it is the best platform. Rockstar don't suck, but they are not exactly amazing either. I have an xbox controller sitting to my left on top of my PC, I do use it and know how to use it (like it's hard?) but if I have to aim, it just seems totally illogical to me to ignore the mouse sitting to my right. I swap between them a lot in Just Cause 2 and use it exclusively for any and all racing games. I don't how ever use it for GTA IV, and would not use it for RDR, here's to hoping they allow PC users to disable auto aim like they did with GTA IV.
1. Yea I wont cuz I wont own one till I can.
2. Large LCD 2ft away from me... high quality headphones plugged into high quality sound card... comfy desk chair.
3. Yea I'll play the game and recognise the the failures and/or potential with in and hope that someone addresses them with a mod.
4. History & logic says there will be.
PC most of all hehehe. You rkn it would play better with a mouse Steve, given that you have played it.
Posted 05:35pm 16/5/10
Yes we are all winners, ohh wait no PC version. Bummer.
Well have fun reading all about how good the game is but not being able to play it. But hey least you got a mouse thats what really matters.
Posted 05:46pm 16/5/10
Everyone knows that a mouse provides superior movement ability. That is why a controller isn't as fun.
I would say you were a troll but it seems like you just genuinely don't know any better.
Posted 05:52pm 16/5/10
Dumb arse.
Posted 05:55pm 16/5/10
But you know this, you is trollin'!
Posted 06:02pm 16/5/10
Posted 06:04pm 16/5/10
IF this game makes it to the PC, then PC gamers are likely going to enjoy playing their preferred way, but if I had to suggest getting a console solely for this... well, you'll have to wait till Tuesday to find out ;)
Posted 06:05pm 16/5/10
Posted 06:10pm 16/5/10
Yea that's what i was thinking while watching the stream, the horse riding would be better on controller, but the shooting and anything on foot KB & mouse for sure, same thing for GTA, I just suck it up when riding a bike in GTA. But I swap to controller for bikes in Just Cause 2. I just hate auto aim, just makes it too easy imo.
Posted 06:10pm 16/5/10
I prefer a gaming platform where I dont have to cry about how poorly im being treated. It seems to be a prerequiste for PC gamers these days.
Posted 06:13pm 16/5/10
Posted 06:26pm 16/5/10
I will say one thing though, just to educate some people here..Auto Aim has and always will be optional on consoles,same goes for PC.
Posted 06:27pm 16/5/10
Posted 07:07pm 16/5/10
Posted 07:37pm 16/5/10
Posted 10:09pm 16/5/10
Posted 05:19am 17/5/10
Posted 08:56am 17/5/10
Posted 09:41am 17/5/10
Obviously it is debateable or this thread wouldn't still be going...
Posted 09:43am 17/5/10
Posted 09:44am 17/5/10
How much were consoles again?
Posted 09:58am 17/5/10
Posted 11:48am 17/5/10
If you ask me its like this, Your going to prefer to play games on whatever you grew up playing, for me thats consoles. However I do also play Pc games for something different and some exclusive games.
True Pc gaming is more expensive and windows is plauged with errors and incompatibility, but the advantage you get is better graphics and online community mods that expand the life of games.
Ive heard many pc gamers complain about controllers not being smooth enough, Im sorry but this just means you probably suck at consoles, If you had played a console for even 2 years I bet you wouldnt be saying that its hard to aim with a controller. On that note however, I do think RTS games are more suited on Pc, although there have been some decent RTS games on consoles you just dont get the speed of scrolling with the keyboard.
Consoles are made for Gaming, Pc's arn't thats why it costs more but in the end it all comes down to what youve been playing IMO.
Posted 12:01pm 17/5/10
I know, I hear ya, those PC fanboys are like a broken record aren't they.
Posted 12:16pm 17/5/10
It isn't hard to aim with a controller but it is very restrictive compared with a mouse. If we could get a mouse+kb pro vs a controller pro test it would be a one-sided match.
Anyway I have thoroughly examined all sides of the argument and have come to the conclusion that consoles are s***.
Anyone seen any cheap deals for RDR? I'm not buying it online because I want to play it this weekend. So far cheapest I've heard of is K-Mart @ $84. Might get EB to price match and trade in a game for credit.
Posted 12:28pm 17/5/10
Anyway to answer your question I havent seen a better price than that :( however at Game they have it for $89, the 5 dollars extra might be worth it for the points you get toward a money voucher.
Posted 12:35pm 17/5/10
no its not! the gay mining bit of the game plus me not getting any ruined it for me
Posted 12:38pm 17/5/10
PC's are more expensive, but it's by far the most flexible game platform.
Posted 12:39pm 17/5/10
Posted 12:42pm 17/5/10
Posted 12:44pm 17/5/10
Posted 12:45pm 17/5/10
Posted 12:49pm 17/5/10 is my new favourite website!
Posted 01:16pm 17/5/10
Calsy add me to xbox live as per sig, u dirty fan boi u..
(no homo)
I play on both depending on what game so i can't lose (though i'm mainly on a console thanks to beat up and sports games, my trusty arcade stick and ya mum sitting in my lap in my comfy lounge. When i'm feeling cheap i'll use the PC... and my xbox controller..)
Posted 01:15pm 17/5/10
(Direct link if embed doesn't work: clicky)
last edited by parabol at 13:15:46 17/May/10
Posted 01:19pm 17/5/10
Hey just thought of this since it is a rockstar game. Is it censored at all for AUS?
Posted 01:25pm 17/5/10
Posted 01:37pm 17/5/10
around AUD$64 delivered from the UK
Posted 01:40pm 17/5/10
Posted 01:53pm 17/5/10
Posted 02:14pm 17/5/10
Posted 03:36pm 17/5/10
hahahahaha that achievement whore thing on that site parabol is hilarious
Posted 03:55pm 17/5/10
I don't understand the blind rabid devotion on both sides of this argument, just seems kind of stupid. Whoever said enjoy games on all platforms earlier in the thread had it right. I'll be enjoying Starcraft 2 and WoW and Diablo 3 and whatever else comes along for PC that I want, on my PC. But I'll be enjoying stuff like RDR on my 360 and playing it this week instead of in 6 - 8 months time. There'll be other stuff I want to play in 6-8 months time, I want my dose of RDR awesomeness sooner rather than later.
Posted 03:49pm 17/5/10
Posted 07:41pm 17/5/10
Posted 10:31pm 17/5/10
Don't discriminate, it's nasty :P
Posted 11:28pm 17/5/10
Posted 12:18am 18/5/10
Posted 09:06am 18/5/10
Posted 09:42am 18/5/10
Yeah, it doesn't really make sense, but it doesn't really make sense that they'd advertise the game for PC when it doesn't exist on PC either, and it is at the same level as the banner ad for the monitor. Simplest explanation is often the correct one?
Yeah, but thats just a matter of perspective, I can't say that anything I've played lately (or ever) has ruined the experience. I'm sure RDR wont be ruined by console, since it was built from the ground up to be a console game, but if you hate consoles, then sure, playing it on a console would probably ruin the experience for you. Not really the game's fault though, its more just your own hangups. I'm sure if it the console version was ruined it wouldn't be getting rave reviews and have a 96 metacritic average.
Posted 09:58am 18/5/10
3 more days sweet. Ohh or 6 months+ for PC if you even think its going to happen.
Chin up or just learn to use a controller NOOBS.
Posted 10:07am 18/5/10
Posted 11:43am 18/5/10
There are some bizarre people getting around on these forums.
Posted 12:05pm 18/5/10
That is because all the gameplay vids are on low detail because of the console restrictions.
Posted 12:28pm 18/5/10
Do they look like stick figures to you?? Both the 360 and PS3 versions look great. Another point in this whole debate is the game itself!!!
The story the detail, s*** just because its not in some bulls*** resolution that can only run on an expensive high end PC where 99% of people would not even be able to register any difference in their eyes, you think its s***.
Do you guys play games! SERIOUSLY DO YOU PLAY GAMES!! or do you just fap over the amount of pixels jammed on your screen.
I really cant stand this idiocy. Is there anyway you can get rid of these people and just talk about awesome games.
Posted 12:39pm 18/5/10
just because you are happy to settle for low detail conslol games because you cant afford a pc, doesnt mean we should all be happy to do so
Posted 12:43pm 18/5/10
I'd prefer you stick to console versions of my PC games, so I don't have to play with you.
Posted 12:55pm 18/5/10
FragFX v.2 for the Playstation 3
The FragFX v.2 features a separate right hand mouse controller and detachable left hand grip controller, ideal for experiencing the traditional PC mouse and keyboard style gameplay of shooter games in a console environment.
* v.2: Improved optical mouse
* v.2: Improved Frag button
* v.2: Improved mouse sensitivity
* v.2: Improved motion sensitivity
* v.2: Improved mouse buttons
* v.2: Improved d-pad
* v.2: Improved games support
Key FragFX controller features include:
* The right hand mouse controller has the complete set of PS3 controller buttons. The mouse is used during game play to shoot, look left, right, up and down for that same PC style game play experience on the PlayStation 3.
* The mouse is optimized for navigation within the recently announced PlayStation Home virtual world.
* A menu mode on the mouse allows it to double as a regular mouse during menu selections. A lap mouse pad and left hand grip cradle is included with the FragFX to allow for comfortable play in a living room setting.
* The left hand re-programmable grip (nicknamed the "FragChuck" by G4TV) has the full range of 6-axis motion control providing Wii-like motion sensitivity for the PlayStation 3. In games like Resistance: Fall of Man, to reload a weapon or to rifle butt an opponent, the user can swing the FragChuck.
* The FragChuck also offers a game speed dial and frag button. When the frag button is pressed it slows the mouse down to incremental movement for smooth sniper shots. The speed dial allows for instant fast or slow overall game play. These two additional features let the user get out of battles as fast as they get into them.
This thing is the Bomb and works for all games. And I can guarantee I will frag ur arse in red dead if you dont have one of these.
Posted 01:00pm 18/5/10
Posted 01:02pm 18/5/10
but in all seriousness, the real losers here are the chumps who are unwilling or unable to own more than one platform. sux2buguyz.
Posted 01:05pm 18/5/10
Posted 01:10pm 18/5/10
please do.
Posted 01:11pm 18/5/10
Posted 01:14pm 18/5/10
and the games are usually cheaper too.
Posted 01:16pm 18/5/10
Posted 01:17pm 18/5/10
Posted 01:20pm 18/5/10
Seriously get lives people.
Posted 01:21pm 18/5/10
hahaha, this guy!
stick around in this forum mate, you're good value.
Posted 01:24pm 18/5/10
I'd rather have fun in these threads.
Calsy probably isn't even good at cs lol.
Posted 02:28pm 18/5/10
Anyone that can't afford both is a straight up dole bludging loser
last edited by arclore at 14:28:53 18/May/10
Posted 02:20pm 18/5/10
Posted 02:29pm 18/5/10
Posted 02:53pm 18/5/10
See that's what I find interesting, ppl always say a 42" or w/e screen is awesome, but it runs the same res as the LCD 2' in front of my face, the image quality is the same or better on the LCD.
Posted 03:16pm 18/5/10
Posted 03:20pm 18/5/10
Posted 03:24pm 18/5/10
Posted 05:27pm 18/5/10
Posted 05:35pm 18/5/10
Posted 05:52pm 18/5/10
Posted 06:29pm 18/5/10
also noobies makes you sound terribly childish, just saying :P
Posted 07:59pm 18/5/10
Posted 08:14pm 18/5/10
Posted 08:15pm 18/5/10
Posted 08:39pm 18/5/10
Posted 09:37am 19/5/10
Posted 09:50am 19/5/10