We've been tearing through Greek mythology,
literally. God of War III has been available for just over a week and is probably one of the best showcases for the power and graphical potential of the PS3 yet, continuing the epic story of Kratos, the (new) God of war.
Beyond looking amazing though, it's also one of the most gruesome, violent and action-packed games out there, and utterly awesome as a result. Never has pulling fingernails off giants been so incredibly fun.
If you haven't checked it out yet,
click here for our full review.
Posted 01:08pm 01/4/10
Posted 01:22pm 01/4/10
Will this game give my 6 year old psychological problems Steve?
last edited by E.T. at 13:22:39 01/Apr/10
Posted 01:20pm 01/4/10
Posted 01:25pm 01/4/10
Posted 01:27pm 01/4/10
I'm a god of war virgin and I found the combat to be pretty forgiving on normal difficulty. There were only two spots that got me swearing (not including the challenges you unlock later), but I found that most of my deaths were due to me taking a gumby leap in the wrong direction at the wrong time.
I would agree++ about Kratos being one dimensional. What an uninteresting character. The voice acting was good, but the actual dialogue was cringe-worthy.
I wish there was more to unlock after finishing the game though. I really enjoy the combat, but I have quickly run out of things to do apart from replay on harder difficulty.
Posted 01:42pm 01/4/10
last edited by ravn0s at 13:42:29 01/Apr/10
Posted 01:53pm 01/4/10
Whilst it is violent i don't see it being any more over the top then the s*** he pretends todo with his friends at lunch time (one scenario involves the joker jamming a can of laughing gas down someones throat, can goes off stomach expands and explodes... yep fun in the playground i say)
Though i do make him leave the room when im about to get freaky with the ladies
Posted 02:07pm 01/4/10
Posted 02:40pm 01/4/10
Posted 02:50pm 01/4/10
It far exceeded my expectations actually, thought it was over hyped and get bored half way but definately not the case.
Posted 02:59pm 01/4/10
Posted 03:08pm 01/4/10
the the guy that plays zeus also did the voice of zeus in the disney animated hercules...
Posted 10:46pm 06/4/10
Just picked myself PS3, HDMI cables (thanks Midda for the tip) and GOW3 but i have to say.. anyone else disappointed this game only runs 720P natively? i thought this game was mean't to be the next gen graphics but i was a tad disappointed it only upscales to 1080i. Ninja Gaiden looks sharper on my xbox 360 and the game is a few years old, or am i doing it wrong?
Either way just been messing around on the 1st stage but i'm looking forwad to epic battles..
Posted 11:02pm 06/4/10
Posted 11:19pm 06/4/10
The only game that i have that is full 1080p, apparently, is Red Faction Guerrilla.
Not Killzone 2, not Resistance 2, not even GOW3..
Posted 11:36pm 06/4/10
Posted 11:47pm 06/4/10
Anyway, overit. I should be able to finish the game before my 360 comes back anyway.