Games.On.Net points out that DRM issues have made Ubisoft's latest PC release, The Settlers 7, virtually unplayable, specifically in Australia where we appear to be hit the worst by the problem.
Apparently this problem is especially common in Australia - we will try to get to the bottom of this.
This has come directly from the Ubi forums regarding the lack of play for the Settlers 7, and just about anything else Ubisoft DRM'd.
The 'always online' DRM security measures put in place by Ubisoft have had nothing but flak follow because of issues with being unable to connect, verify or even play. Moreover, there's also the issue of those without an internet connection (and yes, those people do exist), making Ubi's decision to maintain their DRM stance, trivial and annoying.
According to the report, Ubi aren't really broaching the issue, barring a redirection to 'Support' to help work you through it.
AusGamers is contacting the French publishing giant for comment, so stay tuned. But in the meantime, share your DRM woes in our Comments section below.
Posted 11:15am 01/4/10
glad i didn't now :O
Posted 11:23am 01/4/10
Posted 11:59am 01/4/10
Posted 12:31pm 01/4/10
Not even that. I'm house-sitting at my parents' (took my PC with me) and they are on a congested RIM. Implications? Variable speed (10 to 700kB/s), random disconnections, random packet loss. Just on a technical basis I wouldn't even dream of purchasing their new nazi DRM infested games (despite loving Assassin's Creed and wanting to play the sequel) to play on such a connection.
last edited by parabol at 12:31:58 01/Apr/10
Posted 12:58pm 01/4/10
Posted 12:59pm 01/4/10
Posted 01:04pm 01/4/10
Hopefully this whole stupid DRM thing that Ubisoft is forcing on everyone continues to blow up on their face.
Posted 01:07pm 01/4/10
Posted 01:56pm 01/4/10
Posted 02:02pm 01/4/10
Posted 05:44pm 01/4/10
Posted 06:05pm 01/4/10
DRM like this is the penalty you pay.
For those of you who didn't pirate a game?
Blame the piraters.
Posted 06:26pm 01/4/10
Posted 06:51pm 01/4/10
last edited by iWhoop at 18:51:07 01/Apr/10
Posted 07:09pm 01/4/10
Piraters are just gonna pirate this one anyway. DRM schemes don't stop piracy.
This one makes some sense, but Ubisoft/EA etc should be first in line for blame as they should recognise the fact above.
Posted 04:55am 02/4/10
He can get his money back, the product does not function correctly. There are laws that cover this, find it. Then go to the store with a print out of the laws hand it to the dude behind the counter and walk out with your money.
Posted 03:52pm 03/4/10
Posted 04:55pm 05/4/10
Posted 05:34pm 05/4/10
^^^ Ubisoft spy!
Posted 05:58pm 05/4/10
Posted 07:57pm 05/4/10
Like I said it works fine for me. Bought it on Steam and it's been flawless, apart from the slowass download speed (from Steam) of the massive patch on Saturday night.
BTW, I'm on TPG's 24/7 Unlimited plan since Thursday, but this is obviously not a local ISP problem.
Posted 01:41pm 08/4/10
The "permanent Internet connection" thing in the top right isn't on any of the box shot assets I've seen online.
It's pretty prominently positioned, but I think it needs more of a Surgeon-General's-warning feel to it to make it clear what everyone is getting into.
Posted 01:51pm 08/4/10
Warning: Game may not work
Posted 02:23pm 08/4/10