Our very own strategist, Kosta Andreadis, has been sitting in his space-age war room, playing with sprockets and sitting by the red video space phone, ready to push "the" button... you know the one we mean.
Sins of a Solar Empire: Trinity was also being played by him (alongside his sprockets), helping him gauge his decision to push "the" button, and thankfully should any of us ever find ourselves in his position, he's put together a comprehensive report of his findings of the game. I just wish he'd stop wearing those rings - we all know rings aren't cool.
Click here for the full review.
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Posted 03:52pm 17/2/10
Looks good but really hanging for Supcom2.
Posted 03:53pm 17/2/10
Posted 08:43am 19/2/10
Posted 11:58am 19/2/10
Posted 12:51pm 19/2/10
Posted 12:54pm 19/2/10