It's not available in Australia until tomorrow, but Aliens vs Predator has now shipped in North America for PC (including Steam), Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.
Unfortunately however, despite the pre-release promise that the PC version would include support for dedicated servers and not just the sloppy peer to peer play we all experienced in the lacklustre demo, the software required to run dedicated servers has yet to be released by developer Rebellion Entertainment.
A post by Rebellion over on the
Steam Forums explains:
Rebellion are busy preparing the dedicated server for the Aliens vs. Predator community. We hope to have a beta release with reduced functionality out in the next few days and further updates to improve functionality and fix bugs over the next few weeks.
The files will be available to download from the “Tools” tab in the Steam client and will be a free download.
Very disappointing news that doesn't paint a bright future for this game as a lasting multiplayer PC title.
To rub it in a little more, here's
another trailer promoting the game's multiplayer component, showing the "species deathmatch" game mode.
Posted 11:56am 17/2/10
Posted 11:59am 17/2/10
Posted 12:05pm 17/2/10
Maybe I'll turn out to be wrong, though... Oh, the other gripe is the price on Steam, USD$64.99? It's AUS$39-ish off CDWOW. Steam really need to stop this whole Australian markup bs...
Posted 12:12pm 17/2/10
Posted 12:31pm 17/2/10
Seriously dedicated servers have been in games for bonkers years it cannot be that hard a thing to implement.
Posted 12:44pm 17/2/10
This is freaking terrible. I was hoping to have the game tomorrow, setup dedicated server on my server and play it that night without all the bull s*** of the peer to peer crap. I have no faith whatsoever that the full game's multiplayer peer to peer setup will work ANY better than the demo. As much as I hated (and still hate) the MW2 matchmaking, at least it works (most the time).
My excitement for this game just keeps on sinking lower and lower. I think I'll be dragging my feet and giving a half hearted thanks when I buy it tomorrow (if it weren't for the face hugger and my laziness in seeking another way to get it, I'd cancel my pre-order and wait for an Ausgamers review before buying)
Oh (end of rant), StopShootingMe, try buying from a US store for steam. Works great, and that way you don't need to me F'd up the ass by steam.
/me returns to seething
Posted 12:47pm 17/2/10
Posted 12:51pm 17/2/10
Posted 12:58pm 17/2/10
Posted 01:00pm 17/2/10
At the risk of sounding like a broken record, it's got nothing to do with how easy it is to do. They prefer centrally controlled peer2peer services because they can control what you play and for how long (see Xbox Live shut down coming Map lists and mods can be controlled because "Hey, these are ranked servers. We can't have people using things which might give them an unfair advantage". Ofcourse in reality maps, weapons, etc. do get released... but you have to pay.
Follow the money.
Posted 01:21pm 17/2/10
Posted 01:48pm 17/2/10
Last game to do this was Dragon Rising I think... see how that worked out...
Posted 02:24pm 17/2/10
Posted 02:26pm 17/2/10
Very poor effort IMO.
Posted 02:39pm 17/2/10
Posted 02:43pm 17/2/10
No, you just need to add a country code to the Steam URL and not use your Steam client to purchase games.
US store
UK store
Then at the payment screen, set your country to 'United States' (or 'United Kingdom') and change your postcode to something from their country.
PS. I believe the UK price for AvP is the best atm, at £24.99. That's about $45AU.
Posted 02:52pm 17/2/10
Posted 03:03pm 17/2/10
Posted 03:22pm 17/2/10
I actually thought the people making this game knew what they were doing....I guess not.
I'm not buying this game now cause you can just download a cracked version that has no cdkey required which means it will probably even work online.
Posted 03:29pm 17/2/10
I checked with the commonwealth and they told me that I could use the card on overseas websites and nothing should be blocking it, but it still won't work. So not sure what part of the process fails :(
Posted 03:34pm 17/2/10
Posted 03:58pm 17/2/10
I'm hearing good things.
I'm considering picking it up because Steam has it for $30 USD, but $10 discount if you already have Shadow of Chernobyl or Clear Sky purchased and in your games list. The cool thing is that Clear Sky is only $10 USD so they're basically giving it away.
Posted 05:58pm 17/2/10
Oh yes, FAQ here. I'v pre ordered the game via steam, It says at store page 'Now Available' but I can't install it from my games list. It says 'Not released yet'!
WTF?! Please help me, I want to play ASAP!
Posted 06:19pm 17/2/10
Posted 07:17pm 17/2/10
A friend of mine reported last night that his credit card had been blocked after purchasing a few games in this way... so be careful unless you have many credit cards!
Also, forget about AVP... the game is a big let down, check out Gamespot score of 5.5 which I think is very accurate, the demo stunk and the full game will not be much better.
Get stalker instead for half the price and enjoy a true PC game!
Posted 07:28pm 17/2/10
My PC runs stalker like utter s***. We're talking single numbers in fps when i'm outside. Second I walk indoors (without a load screen) the game goes back up to like 60+. Never liked the first one either so hardly worth calling good.
Posted 07:34pm 17/2/10
It's great so far, has a sandbox feel to it although its just 3 massive levels.
The atmosphere is even better than the first 2 and also the most stable of the lot,although it still pushes the system.
I picked it up on steam as I'm pretty sure retail wont have it till the 25th. (and yeah,so much cheaper :D)
Posted 08:34pm 17/2/10
Aim seems a bit wierd since it takes lots of bullets to actually hit anything but eh oh well. Sound is nice but for some reason my back speakers are like 2x the volume of anything else which is a bit wierd. I'm not trying alien or predator yet as i'm going through the missions first. At least for now single player is pretty sweet. I'm finding myself panicing and finding the nearest corner whenever I hear my motion detector go off.
Only real issue is with the marine jump. Talk about pathetic. i've gotten more air when I fart into my seat. May as well not of even had a jump button since you have to hold space to climb over things anyway ala gears of war style.
last edited by DM at 20:34:26 17/Feb/10
Posted 08:36pm 17/2/10
Posted 08:40pm 17/2/10
Posted 09:25pm 17/2/10
I used to play the demo with some americans from a steam group I'm joined up to, it wasn't too bad.
Posted 09:47pm 17/2/10
Posted 10:33pm 17/2/10
Posted 08:53am 18/2/10
Posted 08:57am 18/2/10
Posted 09:31am 18/2/10
Posted 09:36am 18/2/10
so true. massive props to AG for fighting the (possibly losing?) battle to bring dedicated servers back into the forefront of developers' minds.
Posted 11:03am 18/2/10
Posted 11:45am 18/2/10
This will probably annoy the aussie publishers, but I think the time has come to end this behaviour and I'm prepared to put us on the front lines of this issue.
Posted 11:53am 18/2/10
Posted 11:54am 18/2/10
Posted 12:13pm 18/2/10
Posted 02:27pm 18/2/10
EDIT - Finished marine and predator in around 3 hours 45 min. Alien I got to 2nd level. Not even gonna bother anymore with this game I think. Pathetic. Just f*****g pathetic. Marine campaign was great but was all downhill after that. They should just make an Aliens game where it's the marine like in the movies. Screw the whole predator part and even the alien campaign too.
last edited by DM at 14:27:40 18/Feb/10
Posted 11:41pm 18/2/10