For those of you having trouble getting into the Battlefield: Bad Company 2
multiplayer beta, DICE have released a new video for the hotly anticipated first person shooter.
The video, narrated by Producer Gordon Van Dyke, offers a walkthrough of the demo's multiplayer rush game-mode with information equally applicable to PC and console players alike.
Check it out here on AusGamers.
Bad Company 2 drops on March 4th 2010 for PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.
Posted 11:32am 12/2/10
Posted 11:36am 12/2/10
Posted 11:43am 12/2/10
i wish there was two of me with two comptuers so i could play both at once and give them the time they deserve
Posted 12:07pm 12/2/10
Posted 12:27pm 12/2/10
last edited by koopz at 12:27:21 12/Feb/10
Posted 12:44pm 12/2/10
being in a tank = epic fun
Posted 01:36pm 12/2/10
That's any game in the Battlefield series for you, people take too many bullets no matter how good your aim.
Posted 02:08pm 12/2/10
HS using M24 with Recon Class. Having said that, 3-4 bullets from a handgun will do the trick too.
I still find it amusing how lots of people still don't know whats going on.. I run circles around a group of them and they were totally oblivious :/
I remember I pistolled/knifed 7 attackers... I was running around and kept on spawning on each other so i just kept on killing them :/
last edited by Martz at 14:08:25 12/Feb/10
Posted 02:38pm 12/2/10
just a bit wonky how u can aim through your sites with a sniper and still need to shoot 3x to kill. seems inconsistant to me.
ALSO has anyone had the issue of spawning and team_chat always pops up? draining.
Posted 02:52pm 12/2/10
i was like "WTF AM I PRESSING"
goes away though
Posted 06:59pm 12/2/10
Posted 06:25pm 12/2/10
Also get in close to guarantee all your shots hit the target.
Posted 06:38pm 12/2/10
damage is much much better (unless you're the one getting shot.)
Posted 06:39pm 12/2/10
Posted 06:58pm 12/2/10
Also.. Anyone got tips for flying the apache/blackhawk? I keep crashing it within seconds of takeoff. I can fly the UAV without problem.
Posted 08:11pm 12/2/10
hmm I've been finding it the opposite.
what's with the GA servers being 16/20 player all of a sudden?
last edited by Martz at 20:11:26 12/Feb/10
Posted 08:45pm 12/2/10
But to everyone else, play hardcore. Hypernia and GA have a heap up atm, and by god it is much more fun then MW2 or CoD4. As a engineer with max unlocks and 2nd rocket launcher, I just have a ball :D
Oh, there is a bug atm that if a server is set to HC, but gets reset, it doesn't automatically put it back to HC, so you will find some GA and Hypernia ones are saying HC but they aren't :S
Posted 08:54pm 12/2/10
i dont even bother cause im f*****g s*** at controlling them.
Posted 09:38pm 12/2/10
Posted 10:54pm 12/2/10
Posted 11:21pm 12/2/10
At least thats my take on it anyway.
Posted 09:33am 13/2/10
Posted 11:17am 13/2/10
I think I keep dying to easy so its not fun. Granted I've now only played about 10 mins :)
Posted 01:20pm 13/2/10
I find it the same getting hit, a lot of the time i'll get smashed and just hide till the health is back
Posted 01:55pm 13/2/10
Posted 04:58pm 14/2/10
yeah I'm starting to get a feel for certain advantage points and how to take advantage of them with each gun. I've maxed my character in terms of stats (for the moment) but I'm a long way from having mastered the map with every class / squad combo for each side.
I call it Strexing after that f*****g annoying habit (in DoD 1.3) that Strex had. The cheeky lil bugger would just run around randomly making it almost impossible to predict where to shoot unless you has an explosive weapon / grenade on hand.
knife kills in this game are turning out to be easier than waiting for your bullets to register when up close
Posted 10:46am 15/2/10
bad company 2 looks sweet, but that lak of responsivness means ill still be looking for somthing better even if i do purchase it.
Posted 05:35pm 18/2/10
it's for the console version, but still an awesome guide for people who aren't good at the game
Posted 11:19am 23/2/10
Been a while since i looked at the games "new features" but it plays a lot like BFBC which is fine for me cause i love that game and ill enjoy the new slight features and new maps.
I'll be getting BFBC2 on my PC tho i think, cause it urinates all over my PS3 in specs