It's out and about, and we've waded our way through the murky, flooding depths of Rapture 10 years on from our last visit. The big question on everyone's mind though is, 'is it worth it?'.
The short answer is
yes, with a very long
but. That's what we do so well here at AusGamers though, and so if you haven't dived in yet, or are awaiting our verdict, you can check it out now, in all its depth (the puns are getting old now). Be sure to drop a line about your thoughts if you've been playing it also.
Click here for the full review.
Posted 01:43pm 10/2/10
Hardly. Drill + slam move = nearly instant kill for anything but the toughest bad guys.
I thought the graphics are great and it runs silky smooth as I expect some lower speced PCs will as well. This is a good thing.
Yeah you got me there. I expected some free roaming going on. Mabye #3 will fix this a bit and have you leave rapture in order to swim around and go somewhere else?
Posted 01:47pm 10/2/10
Also, an AusGamers 7.3 is actually pretty good
Posted 01:54pm 10/2/10
but i'm looking for a game to play
i read where you said you get thrown i the deep end, does it matter that much?
Posted 01:59pm 10/2/10
just need to know it's all in an underwater city, you look after little kids who poke dead people with syringes and beat the s*** out of weirdos trying to get them
Posted 02:20pm 10/2/10
Posted 02:25pm 10/2/10
Posted 02:27pm 10/2/10
Theres a big emphasis on defense,and when I take the time to set up turrets,traps etc it's really quite satisfying.
The strength of the big daddy is in the thinking/planning. He's weaker but smarter
they even hint at that when you make certain decisions in the game
Posted 02:30pm 10/2/10
they(2k games) were lucky to have a first game that was as good as bioshock, would have been too good to be true to repeat the same success. I always thought the first game was over rated and that a sequl would be a stupid idea.
Posted 02:34pm 10/2/10
See that's all nice and all.. but the big daddy was originally sold in the first game as a brute with one purpose(to protect little sister).
Id expect a concept like this to be released as a weak expansion or DLC for the original... kind of like the lame yet entertaining enough expansions to half life... Blues*** ect..
Whilst i admire the fact that the dev's have gone to the effort of making a complete full game... i personally found it was a weak attempt at a cash grab which is a real shame given how solid and decent the franchise could of been.
"YOU GET TO PLAY AS A BIG DADDY!()&(@&%!@" is something my 6 year old would tell me, to get me to buy the game.. very similar to "YOU GET TO PLAY AS PIKACHU"... a novel concept... but really quite boring.
I could rant for hours on how much i dislike bioshock 2.. all stemming from the amount of shear disappointment the game has given me... Kind of like ep 1,2,3 of starwars.
Posted 02:40pm 10/2/10
Posted 02:43pm 10/2/10
seriously any game i get for free (you know, borrowing the game from a friend), should at least give me SOME enjoyment and what little enjoyment it gave you should be multiplied many times over because it was free!
Posted 02:49pm 10/2/10
Posted 03:22pm 10/2/10
Posted 03:27pm 10/2/10
I never said i got the game for free... what kind of madness is this.
Posted 03:33pm 10/2/10
Posted 03:41pm 10/2/10
Have you had a chance to play the pc version, does it feel like a bit of a console port or does it handle pretty well?
Posted 04:04pm 10/2/10
Posted 04:16pm 10/2/10
Posted 04:31pm 10/2/10
That sounds pretty cool, nice to hear it doesn't feel like a cheap console port *cough* AvP *cough*
Posted 04:46pm 10/2/10
Posted 04:51pm 10/2/10
are you sick viper?
Posted 04:54pm 10/2/10
Posted 05:05pm 10/2/10
Posted 05:10pm 10/2/10
Posted 05:25pm 10/2/10
Posted 05:32pm 10/2/10
Damn first consoles start messing with my pc games then they charge for dlc and now they are giving me aids too....when will it end?
Posted 05:37pm 10/2/10
Posted 05:41pm 10/2/10
I agree with the review, and the rating. The 'mainstream' gaming reviews have giving it 9.0-9.5, um, no thanks.
Posted 05:49pm 10/2/10
But it didn't even get a mention.
Posted 05:50pm 10/2/10
Posted 05:55pm 10/2/10
Haven't actually tried it out yet though, too much Dante's Inferno and MAss Effect 2 to still play.
Posted 06:17pm 10/2/10
Seriously, just say the person's name followed by a comma. The @ thing is f*****g gay.
Also, Steve's review is bang on. The game kinda blows.
Posted 06:41pm 10/2/10
I'll assume you are talking at me, just to clear up I have never even been to the twitter website EVER!!!!!111!!! just saw some people do it assumed it was the way to be done, your point is however noted.
Also your desire for me to be a homosexual is flattering but I'm afraid that your dream won't come true sorry.
Posted 10:04pm 10/2/10
Posted 11:35pm 10/2/10
Posted 10:47am 11/2/10
maybe its not the speed at which people finish games but more the length of games.
Posted 10:49am 11/2/10
Posted 10:49am 11/2/10
Posted 10:58am 11/2/10
you might find it supports a 360 controller like the first one in which case you can play it with the best visuals and a more comfortable control scheme for you.
Posted 11:04am 11/2/10
Posted 11:18am 11/2/10
one of the shops in Fort Frolic.
You have to go up to the end of the basement to flip some switch and when you look back the plaster figures are gone...
I hope Bioshock 2 has some moments like those, seriously freaky.
Posted 01:31pm 11/2/10
Took me about 12 hours to get through, i think the length was just about right.
I recently had this discussion on my podcast, on one side of the fence you have a game like Halo ODST, that takes like 4 - 5 hours to finish. I did not like this game at all, thought that it was slow and unexciting for a 4 hour game...
On the other side we have something like Modern Warfare 2, which also took me just under 5 hours to get through. Although it was short in length, the game was action packed and extremely entertaining the whole way through.
I played the BioShock 2 on PC and didnt have any real issues, what was your problem with the game? Was it that you couldn't use the 360 controller?
Posted 01:38pm 11/2/10
Posted 01:42pm 11/2/10
Yeah, that bit freaked me out, there was a few bits with those mannequins that were freaky, like where you'd look away and hear some splashing/noises, and look back and the mannequins had moved or were getting closer to you. Something about mannequins just freaks me the f*** out.
last edited by Khel at 13:42:14 11/Feb/10
Posted 01:42pm 11/2/10
You say that like its a bad thing?
Posted 01:51pm 11/2/10
It was a build up that made you want to learn everything you could about the world you were in... the characters were interesting and each one had a cool story... and then once you learned everything you thought you could know the throw a twist in there and your draw drops...
Bioshock 2 has you putting a gun to your head and blowing your brains out... from that moment.. i really couldn't care what was going on... It wasn't captivating enough, it didn't give me any real reason to want to find out what was going on... and from that moment there is where i lost complete interest in the game.
Posted 02:11pm 11/2/10
His song is not ours!
The Many sings to us...
Posted 02:06am 12/2/10
The gameplay was much, MUCH better and actually quite a lot of fun.
It isn't really worth buying, go get ME2 instead. Also the single player can easily be clocked in 10 hours, so a rental could be the ticket.
Posted 09:57am 12/2/10
I haven't finished it, but this it my impression of it a few hours in. The actual gameplay and the surrounding mechanics are more fun that bioshock 1, and in my mind that's more important.
Posted 10:07am 12/2/10
i'll probably give it another crack on the weekend
Posted 12:30pm 12/2/10
Posted 12:53pm 12/2/10
Posted 03:09am 15/2/10
Must say its very slow paced also kinda reminded me of doom 3 around the beginning with all the trains.
As for length I started at like 430pm its now 306am so thats like about 10 hours 30 minutes or something like that, forgive me if its wrong its 3AM.
Overall its pretty fun and would make a great gap filler between some of the bigger releases this year.