Following the details (and delay) of a couple of minor DLC packs, EA and Bioware have now announced a more traditional expansion pack for Dragon Age Origins. Titled Awakening, the expansion adds more story and a bunch of new features following the ending of the original game, offering players to either continue on with their old character or start fresh.
You are the Grey Warden Commander and have been entrusted with the duty of rebuilding the order of Grey Wardens and uncovering the secrets of the darkspawn and how they managed to remain.
How you choose to rebuild your order, how you resolve the conflict with "The Architect", and how you determine the fate of the darkspawn will be but some of the many complex choices that await and shape your journey as you venture to the new land of Amaranthine.
Awakening has been dated for a March 16 2010 release on PC, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Check out the
debut trailer or head over to our new
game page for more specifics.
Posted 04:06pm 06/1/10
Posted 05:09pm 06/1/10
Posted 05:46pm 06/1/10
Posted 06:06pm 06/1/10
Posted 07:32pm 06/1/10
although halfway through the quest (landsmeet) when my xbox got that lovely E74 error. le sigh.
Posted 08:32pm 06/1/10
Posted 10:09pm 06/1/10
was more like nooooooooooooooooooo... s***.
i'm just glad i had my saves and profile on my memory card rather then my hdd.. now i just have to steal another console for 1.5 weeks....
why does it have to happen when you are on holidays?
Posted 07:19am 07/1/10
Posted 07:45am 07/1/10