It seemed like an up-in-the-air situation anyway, post-Bethesda id buyout, but no one really knew what the go with id's forthcoming post-apocalyptic shooter,
Rage, was since it was initially being published by EA.
However, news came across the AusGamers virtual desk this morning that appears to indicate Bethesda have taken everything of id, lock, stock and
rageing megatextures.
According to Bethesda's interim PR guys, this has not affected anything externally in the game's development, we can just expect a Bethesda sticker on it in place of an EA one.
Posted 11:03am 16/12/09
Posted 11:06am 16/12/09
Posted 11:18am 16/12/09
Posted 11:45am 16/12/09
Posted 12:07pm 16/12/09
Posted 12:12pm 16/12/09
id Tech 4 killed it for them.
This is all my opinion, which is as good as fact.
Posted 12:16pm 16/12/09
Basically, ID haven't done anything amazing since Q3. Amazingly, Q3 had its 10th birthday 2 weeks ago!
Posted 12:45pm 16/12/09
Posted 01:00pm 16/12/09
i remember what the old lightning gun looked like
Posted 04:00pm 16/12/09
I thought Adrian Carmack said when they announced the buy by Bethesda at quakeworld or wherever that rage would be continuing to be done with EA and that it would only affect future games?
Posted 12:04am 17/12/09
Well I can't speak for ID as much as Carmack himself, in which case,
FU-FU-FU-F*****G AWESOME-AWESome-AWEsome-awesome!
'nuff said