9pm tonight (GMT) daylight savings time, is when you're Xbox 360 update will be made available, once again transforming the Xbox 360 Dashboard to offer gamers more features including Facebook, Twitter and Movies On Demand.
Movies On Demand is actually our most sought feature as we're promised 1080p streaming video as well as the ability to stream as part of a party of friends, all watching the same movie at the same time; you can even communicate with one another (though in theory that means wearing your headset while watching the movie - methinks Microsoft needs something like the Wii Speak microphone).
According to Microsoft, locally we'll have access to more than 100 movies with each coming in at 240 Microsoft Points (or around AU$4), which isn't too bad - it's cheaper than Foxtel last time I checked).
If you grab the update, feel free to drop a Comment to tell us what you think.
Posted 11:37am 17/11/09
Posted 11:48am 17/11/09
Posted 11:52am 17/11/09
Posted 12:03pm 17/11/09
Posted 12:07pm 17/11/09
Posted 12:07pm 17/11/09
Posted 12:47pm 17/11/09
That would be great if Xbox live was a free zone on Bigpond.
Posted 12:55pm 17/11/09
For those of you looking at renewing your membership, don't pay $80 for a year at your local retail outlet when you can pay
$50 for 13 months at mygamecard
Thank me later, preferably in a dark alley somewhere.
last edited by MatchFixa at 12:55:09 17/Nov/09
Posted 02:01pm 17/11/09
Posted 02:49pm 17/11/09
but its going to fizzle.. i know theres people out there happy with their 50+50 plans but honestly each movie is going to rape a couple of gig at least AND we have no idea if our connections will honestly be able to do this as smoothly as made out in the video presentation.
i would love to see this cause companies to take a serious revamp of their pricing structures but its not going to happen so its just gunna die in the arse for the average home user which is who they are ideally targetting.
Posted 02:57pm 17/11/09
We're getting closer anyway. Data aside, $4 for an on-demand high def movie is about right, and I reckon TV could come in at about 50-75 cents per ep?
Uncapping the data could cause a massive collapse in revenue among the ISP players who make money out of the 50GB+ linux ISO crowd, unless they can get a cut of the fees for the content.
Posted 08:19pm 17/11/09
Posted 09:52pm 17/11/09
Posted 10:55pm 17/11/09
Posted 02:05am 18/11/09
Posted 07:00am 18/11/09
but as a starting point it's good enough, but it will fail here as-is. That's fine though, Microsoft have lots of money to lose. They can pretend it failed because they prempted the NBN but it's the price point and quota cost.
Most people don't hire just one movie at a time from the video store, older titles are very cheap, and you'll still need to duck out anyway to stock up on drinks and junkfood.
Posted 07:37am 18/11/09
Posted 08:44am 18/11/09
Posted 12:31pm 18/11/09
Anyway, I was curious to this Microsoft update so I quickly checked it out.
I noticed Harry Potter: The Half Blood Prince was available and I thought that should show the quality of this streaming.
So I fired up the preview and it started within 5-10 seconds so it must have been streaming the preview. It streamed well, no interruptions and the quality was pretty good, I'm assuming it was the SD version (the SD and HD versions of the full movie are available).
It had a little bit of compression, you could notice it every now and then with the blocky colours that can happen.
Anyway when I was quiting out I noticed that the movie was actually 480 Microsoft points for the HD version, and 420 for the SD.
That is roughly $8 at the current rate for 1000 Microsoft points.
The OP was detailing 240 Microsoft points, why is it double?
O, and my bandwidth was hammered a bit, not sure how much as I had downloaded a bit of L4D2 just before it.
It is heaps cheaper to rent the DVD and doesn't hammer my bandwidth. Microsoft will have to do deals with our ISP's to make them un-metered if they want it to work here in Aus.