We gave a rabid Diablo fan
Torchlight to review to see if the game lives up to the legacy it clearly homages, and Kosta didn't walk away *
too* disappointed.
From ex-Diablo and Fate developer team-members, Torchlight fills that massive gap in the dungeon-crawling action-RPG genre with all the looting you could imagine in a game of this nature. It just happens to fall a little short in a few key areas, which are readily discussed in today's review. In saying that, if you're absolutely chomping at the bit for Diablo 3, Torchlight will have a little of what ails you.
Click here for the full review.
Posted 12:56pm 04/11/09
-- Interesting things --
* Having a pet (cat or dog) from the start. Similar to mercenaries in Diablo 2 but with selectable behaviour (Offensive, Defensive, Passive). The pet can be used as a second inventory, and you can send him back to town to sell all its inventory automatically, bringing back cash - saving a manual town-portal trip. Pet can also wear rings/amulet for stats boost and learn spells. Pet low on health = pet flees and stays away until you give it health potions.
* Pistols. Instead of a Bow/Staff for ranged attacks, you can shoot bullets! Very satisfying.
* Shared stash. Secondary stash that is shared with your other characters.
* Scrolls that teleport you to special caves (pseudo-side-quest) that have insanely powerful monsters/bosses. Great for the high-quality loot dropped and the XP.
-- Shortcomings --
* Not really sure what's happening in the story. Just thrown in without much back-story.
* As mentioned in review, side-quests a little too simple
last edited by parabol at 12:56:25 04/Nov/09
Posted 11:09pm 04/11/09
Posted 11:31pm 04/11/09
Pretty much what parabol said. For the storyline, you do a couple of levels which has a certain theme (necropolis, jungle, etc), and once you get to the end of each mini-stage, the main NPC tells you that you have to keep going further.
Though it does get stale after a while, its definitley got a decent amount of enjoyable gameplay (once you get bored you can start a new class, it also has a shared stash which lets you give your new character any extra items you found on your first).
Though having the pet go and sell your stuff for you is pretty cool, i still found it pretty tedious sorting through what I wanted to keep and what was junk.
Nonetheless, definitley worth a crack for any Diablo/RPG fans, great value at $20USD.
Posted 06:47am 05/11/09
Posted 08:41am 05/11/09
Posted 08:54am 05/11/09
Posted 09:20am 05/11/09
Posted 09:31am 05/11/09