Just in time to coincide with
our review, Double Fine and EA have announced the first round of DLC (downloadable content) for their recently released epic adventure title,
Brutal Legend, coming in the form of a multiplayer map pack called, brutally (and hilariously), "Tears of the Hextadon".
While I personally would have much preferred new single-player content (there's still just so much metal lore to explore and expand upon), the game's multiplayer is definitely infectious, and given there aren't a huge amount of map options already built in, players will probably be happy about this anyway.
"I play Brutal Legend online every night," said Tim Schafer, President of Double Fine Productions. "And I need more maps! Circle of Tears is named after the crying of my vanquished foes on the battlefield, and Death's Fjord is obviously a tribute to my Nordic ancestors, and their love of fan geysers and... Well, actually I just thought the name was cool. See you online!"
The new DLC is due for Xbox 360 and PS3 this November 3rd and 5th, respectively.
Posted 09:29am 28/10/09
Posted 09:39am 28/10/09
Posted 11:07am 28/10/09
Posted 11:35am 28/10/09
In my opinion, this sort of falls under DLC abuse.
Posted 11:52am 28/10/09
Posted 12:00pm 28/10/09
It seems like you're arguing from the perspective of game developers, actually I think you are one, which is fine but the players probably see it a different way.
last edited by greazy at 12:00:53 28/Oct/09
Posted 04:34pm 28/10/09