Final Fantasy XIII on Xbox 360 and PS3 might have been the biggest news for the franchise, but Wii owners aren't being completely left out in the cold as Square-Enix is also gearing up for the release of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers, exclusively for the motion-controlled platform due December 2009.
Encounter the first FINAL FANTASY game developed exclusively for Wii, complete with motion-driven gameplay and intuitive controls that are accessible for gamers of all levels. Enjoy a variety of actions and third-person shooter style gameplay
We don't have much more info to share other than what can be found on our
game page, but we do have the English language trailer from TGS 2009.
Check it out right here on AusGamers.
Posted 05:42pm 06/10/09
edit: how much did Nintendo pay for this?
Posted 05:57pm 06/10/09
In all honesty though the motion-driven controls are a worry, or rather were till I got a look of that trailer. Gameplay seems very similar to Kingdom Hearts, which I can see as being pretty decent in a Wii-based format.
I wasn't terribly interested in the preivious Crystal Chronicles games, but I might just pick this one up, looks highly amusing in the least.
Posted 06:28pm 06/10/09
Posted 06:54pm 06/10/09
Posted 08:16pm 06/10/09
Posted 08:17pm 06/10/09
Posted 08:39pm 06/10/09
um, actually dudet TFU was better on Wii than it was on other consoles - graphics detail levels aside. it should have come to PC legitimately instead of peeps dl-ing the Wii iso and playing it in high def on a PC thru an emu
Posted 10:26am 07/10/09
Caught my interest for a bit :P