EA and Double Fine Productions have released a new trailer for Brutal Legend, this time in the form of the game's intro cinematic.
The video chronicles the stage accident that sees disenchanted roadie Eddie Riggs (voiced by Jack Black) transported to the game's heavy metal fantasy world.
Click here to watch in the AusGamers video library.
Brutal Legend is due on
Rocktober 15th 2009 for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.
Posted 03:13pm 18/9/09
Only negative is that the clip ended by saying there'd be a demo... out yesterday...which it's not...so I went to the site listed at the end of the clip... and it doesnt exist :(
Posted 04:20pm 18/9/09
Posted 04:30pm 18/9/09
Posted 04:54pm 18/9/09
Posted 10:57am 21/9/09