Zombies have become something of a flavour of the month (or decade), and love them or hate them, it really looks like their brain-craving ways aren't going anywhere too fast (you know, because they're undead and move slowly).
At any rate,
Zombie Wranglers for Xbox Live Arcade has arrived to liven (or deaden) up your day, and our casual gaming guru, Mike Bantick, took the wrangling game for a spin to see if rounding up zombies really is as boring as it sounds.
Hit this link for his full review.
Posted 03:47pm 22/5/09
Posted 03:57pm 22/5/09
Posted 03:58pm 22/5/09
Posted 04:27pm 22/5/09
Posted 04:28pm 22/5/09
Posted 05:23pm 22/5/09
Cant find it, cant buy it.
Posted 06:09pm 22/5/09