While we avoided believing anything the internet posted over the last two days, this latest team Fortress 2 blog is definitely legit, and outlines plans for the next class update for The Sniper.
It's been a couple of weeks since we posted, so we thought it'd be good to do some housekeeping. The next class pack will focus on the Sniper. It's actually shaping up to be the largest TF2 update yet, with multiple new maps and a bunch of gameplay tweaks. In addition, we've got another update in the works that should be done before the Sniper, and that one will include some new content for all classes.
There's also a mention of the anticipated Xbox 360 update and why it's taking so long as well as the TF2 Plays of the Week videos.
Hit this link to be escorted directly to the blog update.
Posted 11:02am 03/4/09
Posted 11:02am 03/4/09
Posted 11:04am 03/4/09
Posted 11:11am 03/4/09
Posted 11:34am 03/4/09
their april fools joke wasnt too bad either
last edited by ravn0s at 10:34:09 03/Apr/09
Posted 11:23am 03/4/09
Maybe something to help vs spies? Or a gun with no dot or faster charge build-up.
Posted 11:26am 03/4/09
So long as they don't make ANOTHER uber counter, I'm happy. I got bonked at least 20 times on basin the other day as heavy :(
EDIT: I don't mind about changing guns 2 (especially) and a new machete, but hopefully they don't significantly change the actual sniper.
The charge up works great, don't break it.
last edited by CHUB at 10:26:50 03/Apr/09
Posted 11:30am 03/4/09
Posted 01:19pm 03/4/09
Posted 02:26pm 03/4/09
Posted 06:27pm 03/4/09
Posted 06:36pm 03/4/09
Posted 06:38pm 03/4/09
As far as sandman is concerned, It's f*****g useless to whoever has it now.. 50% damage on people who are stunned...
Posted 07:20pm 03/4/09
I have played against a soldier who wasn't even half as good, and he was mopping up our whole team with those rockets.
Posted 10:29pm 03/4/09
bet that never happened in quake
Posted 12:04am 04/4/09
mid-air rockets are pathetically easy in team fortress 2 though IMO, the game itself is slower than tribes 2/quake, and the models are a bit bigger, so it helps quite a bit - not to mention the rocket itself is fairly large.
but i've never triple-middied someone in tf2, they die after the second one :(
Posted 01:55pm 04/4/09
Posted 03:12pm 04/4/09
Posted 03:37pm 04/4/09
Posted 04:06pm 04/4/09
Posted 06:25pm 04/4/09
Posted 06:35pm 04/4/09
Posted 09:46am 06/4/09
Posted 10:43am 06/4/09
Posted 12:09pm 06/4/09
Posted 04:29pm 06/4/09
On the other hand soldiers hate me :)