Another big reveal at this year's GDC in San Fran was from Techmo with Team Ninja's Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2, exclusive for the PlayStation 3.
We've known it was in the works for a while, but most just assumed it would be a slightly modified port of the Xbox 360's Ninja Gaiden 2. Not so, according to today's trailer and screenshots, which confirm that Ryu's two favourite girls Ayane and Momiji will be playable characters this time around.
There's also been confirmation the game will include online cooperative play, unfortunately not through the storyline campaign, but a series of a separate challenges. A good start though.
Check out today's
debut trailer and
screenshots for a closer look. Ninja Gaiden Sigma is due for release "Spring 2009" (Australia).
Posted 07:00pm 26/3/09
Posted 03:46pm 27/3/09
Must say the trailer looks really nice , good slash and bash game