Rockstar's beloved series finally lands on the most successful gaming platform in the world, Nintendo DS. Don't go expecting some half-assed Liberty City experience though, there's as much depth and scope here as any of the other GTA games on the bigger, more powerful consoles.
To see what all the fuss is about though,
hit this link for our full review, and this one for our
game page, but heed the closing part of the review - screens and the like here aren't going to sell the game; it needs to be played to be appreciated in full.
Posted 01:35pm 19/3/09
Posted 01:53pm 19/3/09
Posted 02:07pm 19/3/09
Posted 04:12pm 19/3/09
Posted 07:05pm 19/3/09
Posted 07:24pm 19/3/09
Posted 09:51pm 19/3/09
Greazy, you know what do!
Posted 10:23pm 19/3/09
Posted 10:28pm 19/3/09
Posted 10:56pm 19/3/09
The lack of decent audio tracks is a non issue. What music there is, does well enough, and you wouldn’t get good enough audio quality out of the DS’s speakers to do songs justice anyway.
Gripes: Some slowdown and texture pop-in. Cut scenes are boring.
The AI of humans who need to follow you is quite annoying; they often get stuck behind walls, etc, and can’t figure a path around the obstacle.
There is no clear way to know what you can climb over and what you can’t. Money you get for completing missions seems pointless compared to other ways of making money.
Pros: Physics are surprisingly good. GPS is as good as GTA IV's, and sometimes better.
Touch controls are used well and not over done and gimmicky. Very little of the important things from the console GTA’s seems lost on the conversion to portable.
Driving feels great and the new way to lose cops is actually fun, though a bit time consuming; very burnout like.
last edited by Lynx at 22:56:34 19/Mar/09
Posted 11:26pm 19/3/09
i love the return to the style of the first 2 games, but still mixing in a lot of new things so its still a unique gta experience. the way you lose the cop is definitely the most fun out of any gta game
their isn't really any depth to the story, but the characters and humour are really well done