Capcom have used Xbox Live to reveal their latest upcoming title Lost Planet 2, launching a debut trailer on the Xbox 360's online service. An official press release is due to follow later in the week, but that's not important because you can now find this new video and all the juicy gameplay footage and information it features,
locally on AusGamers.
A few tasty bits have been confirmed from the trailer:
- Same planet as Extreme Condition, 10 years on - Climate change has created new environments such as jungles.
- Story will focus on various characters from the perspectives of different groups.
- Gameplay changes - cooperative multiplayer (4 players?).
- Capcom's MT-Framework 2.0 Engine - trailer is in-game footage.
Although debuted on Xbox Live, it has been hinted that the game will still be launching on PC and PlayStation 3 as well as the Xbox 360. Several screengrabs from the trailer can be found on our new Lost Planet 2
game page.
Posted 01:43pm 24/2/09
Posted 03:20pm 24/2/09
Posted 03:44pm 24/2/09
EDIT: All fixed now. streaming version 30FPS silky smooth.
last edited by Dan at 15:55:47 24/Feb/09
Posted 09:42pm 24/2/09
Posted 10:32pm 24/2/09
Posted 02:45pm 28/2/09