While we all sit and wonder if the new Terminator movie is going to be worth the effort, Warner Interactive have shown off a trailer for the accompanying game that I'm actually surprised to be able to say looks pretty good.
Terminator Salvation could, in fact, be the series' salvation after the loathsome T3, where we finally get to see Connor and co take on the HKs in the post-apocalyptic LA James Cameron envisioned all those moons ago.
Hit this link for the Spike TV Videogame Awards debut trailer.
Posted 12:47pm 16/12/08
Posted 02:36pm 16/12/08
Posted 02:42pm 16/12/08
I reckon the Terminator brand would convert nicely into a cool MMO if it was done well. Good long-term war with heaps of battles in something other than a swords-and-sorcery environment would be a refreshing change, although as Midda says, everyone seems to screw up their movie licenses just to cash in.
Posted 02:46pm 16/12/08
Posted 02:56pm 16/12/08
Posted 12:56am 20/12/08
Posted 08:58am 20/12/08
they spend so long putting in competing bids for the right to the license, that there's little time between the end of that process and when they have to launch the game (with the movie, or its lost forever), that the game ends up being rushed, and, inevitably, s***.