They just keep on coming, and we hope (but don't condone) you've robbed a bank and are therefore rich enough to keep up with the stock of games that are piling game store shelves across the country.
Today Dan took Ms Lara Croft out on a date, and came back with a smile on his face. To know why, you're going to have to
read this excerpt from his diary (he keeps it under his bed, so we stole it and posted it here). Tomb Raider Underworld really does look pretty snazzy though, and if you're not at all sided on whether to pick it up from our review, make sure you have a look at our local
game page which has all the media and info you could want.
PS How
Purple Rain is our accompanying screenshot!
Posted 05:02am 21/11/08
Posted 02:58pm 22/11/08
Posted 09:15am 24/11/08
Posted 09:34am 24/11/08
Posted 11:01am 24/11/08
Posted 01:11am 25/11/08
Tomb Raider: Legend (I think it was -- one where Lara goes after the sword thingy) was a BIG improvement on the Angel of Darkness thing. No one should have to be put through Angel of Darkness. Buggy thing that it was.