The first official trailer for id Software's Rage has been released, letting us all have a good look at the Quakecon video in high definition and not captured from a hand-held camera.
The 2 minute clip shows off the lush new id Tech 5 engine in the game's post apocalyptic desert and sewer environments and finishes with some road-warrior racing action. Check it out
right here in the AusGamers video library.
Posted 12:37pm 21/8/08
i'll wait for the utube.
(edit) actually i just hit the update account button without changing my email at all n it worked :P righteous.
rage looks like it'll be cool.. on phat hware :P
last edited by demon at 12:37:20 21/Aug/08
Posted 12:43pm 21/8/08
Posted 12:50pm 21/8/08
Posted 12:51pm 21/8/08
Posted 01:02pm 21/8/08
Posted 02:06pm 21/8/08
Posted 02:37pm 21/8/08
This will be a showcase for the tech5 engine, the next game (doom4) will be a true game using the engine.
Posted 02:46pm 21/8/08
also yapa your nick reminded me of this awesome song on youtube
last edited by boba at 14:46:47 21/Aug/08
Posted 03:11pm 21/8/08
Posted 03:20pm 21/8/08
Posted 04:33pm 21/8/08
Posted 04:39pm 21/8/08
Posted 05:23pm 21/8/08
Ah the good old days.
Posted 06:31pm 21/8/08
what Genre is this game based on. is it an FPS? racing?
other than that the visual's look like they would effectively kill my comp.
Posted 08:00pm 21/8/08
Posted 08:01pm 21/8/08
Both afaik, which should hopefully be awesome, GTA3/4 with a good first person view would have been the holy grail of games for me.
I still don't understand the obsession with 3rd person view these days...
Posted 08:23pm 21/8/08
my pc can barely play the video, never mind the game
Posted 09:55am 22/8/08
Posted 11:01am 22/8/08
you mean a remake of quake1.. using todays video game developing technology and maintaining/modernising the essentials from quake1 like the gameplay/physics, sounds, gibs etc etc