Battlefield Bad Company is the latest game from Swedish developer EA DICE and the popular first person shooter series' second adventure into home console territory. This time around, they've gone for a character-driven approach and steered further away from the realism end of the genre with a swag of new features.
Does it have the right ingredients to take on the big-hitters in the FPS genre on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3? We think so. Read our
in-depth review for all the details.
Posted 03:27pm 14/7/08
Any reviews you do should highlight a games multiplayer aspect and whether there is co-op and criticise it accordingly (which should always be a -2).
Personally, only by making this a fundemental caveat for rating a game, will gaming companies begin to understand how much we, the community WANT coop modes in our gameplay.
Posted 03:37pm 14/7/08
Posted 03:37pm 14/7/08
Thanks for speaking for everybody. We want the exact same things that you do.
Except for the whole 6 c**** in your mouth.
Not everyone enjoys Co-op, or has it as a requirement for their game choices.
Posted 03:48pm 14/7/08
Posted 03:57pm 14/7/08
Sorry, my bad.
I incorrectly thought you were a console player and would naturally be inclined to the taste.
I guess my point was in fact that there should be a "standard" by which games are reviewed and fundamental gameplay aspects should be considered as +/- as relevant to each individual game.
I've seen it time and time again where those of us (the ones with mates), many of which have youngsters of their own coming with them, regularly get together for games at LAN's etc, many get over the whole, one person dominating a deathmatch style game and genuinely enjoy shooting fish in a barrel.
Posted 04:07pm 14/7/08
As for losing points for not having coop, that's a tougher call. It's not really fair to criticise a game for not having something that it never made any allusions to having. Call of Duty 4 doesn't either and it's still a top game.
Posted 12:31am 15/7/08