Only one more sleep for all you Grand Theft Auto 4 kids before you’ll be running around causing all sorts of mayhem in Liberty City, and since we’re so nice here at AusGamers, we thought we’d put together a one-stop price-list and comprehensive guide to picking up your copy of GTA 4. We’re also pretty aware there are a number of people who still haven’t made the jump to next-gen and that this might be the game that will put you over, the question then is: Which console/bundle do you go for? Each platform has its own list of good and bad in terms of features, exclusives, longevity, etc. So, for the discerning gamer looking to upgrade, check out our comprehensive, unbiased GTA 4
Shopper’s Guide.
There is updated information on midnight launches now added to the Shopper's Guide, so head on in!
Posted 03:40pm 28/4/08
I just got back from visiting GA's Sydney datacentre and noticed that all the traffic signal control boxes around Ultimo have big "Rockstar GTA IV" stickers on them. Any one else seen this around the place?
Posted 03:43pm 28/4/08
Otherwise good roundup.
Posted 03:49pm 28/4/08
won't the EU pal version from the UK play in an AU xbox360?
Posted 03:51pm 28/4/08
Posted 03:52pm 28/4/08
Posted 03:52pm 28/4/08
Posted 03:55pm 28/4/08
or get my good friend heardy to mail it over to me!
last edited by ara at 15:55:30 28/Apr/08
Posted 03:53pm 28/4/08
78 bucks? The page you linked says 84 pretty sure.
Posted 03:55pm 28/4/08
last edited by d0mino at 15:55:30 28/Apr/08
Posted 04:00pm 28/4/08
Edit: Any also, quick question - the PS3 has superior hardware specs doesnt it ?
Posted 04:03pm 28/4/08
that's probably what Any is on about, usually cheap for us is US/Can or local asian version all of which are no good for 360 but fine for PS3.
Posted 04:07pm 28/4/08
Posted 04:18pm 28/4/08
currently AU$1 buys 47.25p. so that works out to ~60$AU for the game. shipping is free from that site.
which is cheaper then the AU censored version.
last edited by ara at 16:18:34 28/Apr/08
Posted 04:28pm 28/4/08
Posted 04:29pm 28/4/08
Posted 04:36pm 28/4/08
if someone says they are buying dvd/games/books cheaper from overseas u wouldn't normally think UK.
Posted 04:41pm 28/4/08
Posted 04:59pm 28/4/08
Posted 05:00pm 28/4/08
250gig free uploads for diggers
Posted 05:00pm 28/4/08
Posted 05:12pm 28/4/08
Posted 05:20pm 28/4/08
Seeing as everyone I know has ordered it from gamehubs.com
Posted 05:41pm 28/4/08
Posted 05:44pm 28/4/08
Well, you might not be able to play it at all if the australian servers don't let you on. I guess you could try making a new account/gamer profile and set your region to be in the US or the UK or whatever, if you wanted to play with huge latency.
Posted 06:31pm 28/4/08
do they do that with other games? or is this just something someone has been spreading around for this game?
seems like something domestic distributors would start to maintain their huge local markups.
Posted 06:32pm 28/4/08
Posted 06:38pm 28/4/08
I'm not entirely sure, I'm not even sure if its true, I only heard it as secondhand info, but apparently the same thing was done with Halo 3 and COD4.
Posted 06:52pm 28/4/08
So they are going to produce x number of different regions ?
ACCC needs to sort this (and the the steam) s*** out.
Posted 07:07pm 28/4/08
$50 buck saving and all I have to do is wait an extra week or so for the shipping time? doneski.
Posted 07:19pm 28/4/08
Is the latest I've seen on the 'region locking' talk
Posted 08:00pm 28/4/08
I need to get a JB mag advertising this to get EB to price match when I get my bundle on Thursday night...
Posted 08:15pm 28/4/08
Posted 01:11am 29/4/08
Posted 08:06am 29/4/08
last edited by d0mino at 08:06:34 29/Apr/08
Posted 08:25am 29/4/08
Posted 10:07am 29/4/08
Posted 01:01pm 29/4/08
Posted 01:07pm 29/4/08
Posted 03:25pm 29/4/08
Posted 09:04am 30/4/08