Nintendo have
sent us some information about Club Nintendo, a new scheme that allows you to swap Star points which you can redeem for exclusive Nintendo swag:
Mario Kart Wii, Wii Fit™ and future participating products will come with a unique PIN code which allows you to register that you have purchased a particular game, and that’s when Nintendo rewards you. Simply visit www.club-nintendo.com to input your unique code and join Club Nintendo where you will receive Star points credited to your membership account. Use your Star points to redeem Nintendo goodies from the Stars catalogue, which is only available to Club Nintendo members.
The referred-to Stars catalogue is not available yet so not really any indication as to what you can get, but (assuming you have a supported title like Mario Kart), you can register your Star points now.
Posted 11:34am 24/4/08
Posted 11:49am 24/4/08
Posted 12:06pm 24/4/08
Or just use play-asia. Be nice to see what other kinds of things are on offer though.
Posted 12:34pm 24/4/08
Are you being sarcastic? I didn't know there was a Wii piracy problem. The discs aren't even created with normal DVD burners, so copying them is impossible for typical users.
Posted 12:37pm 24/4/08
modchips enable it.
Posted 12:38pm 24/4/08
but yes piracy on wii is rampant.
Posted 12:44pm 24/4/08
haha, so wrong
Posted 12:50pm 24/4/08
Posted 12:51pm 24/4/08
Nah, was serious. Wii games can be copied with certain dvd burners, downloadable Wii images are pretty easy to find on the net if you're looking and can be burnt with any dvd player, perfectly readable with a modded Wii. Then there's the computer swap meets. So yeah, not really to hard to obtain if someone wanted to. I've seen a few news articles about it in the last few months like this one.
Posted 12:54pm 24/4/08
last edited by Idol at 12:54:45 24/Apr/08
Posted 12:56pm 24/4/08
that's quite an edit compared to "ok spook go grab a wii disc and play it on your pc genius"
Posted 12:58pm 24/4/08
hmm not really Jim - same thing
last edited by Idol at 12:58:05 24/Apr/08
Posted 12:57pm 24/4/08
Posted 01:00pm 24/4/08
Posted 01:00pm 24/4/08
I guess I'd better tell my mate who was playing Mario Kart last night that his Wii is broken!
Posted 01:42pm 24/4/08
The Xbox360's DVD drive can have modified firmware put on it to achieve the same thing, which is arguably easier than getting a modchip installed. And of course the PS2 has any number of modifications available for it.
So while it might help slightly against piracy, to my mind its just catching with what Nintendo customers overseas have had for a long time. If Wii piracy is rampant, I cannot imagine its any more rampant than on PS2 and 360.
Posted 01:46pm 24/4/08
Posted 01:58pm 24/4/08
I am not really the kind of person that buys a lot of things. I am probably a pretty bad offender when it comes to copyright content. I have figured out how to get a lot of things for free in my time. Now if a person like me spends $$$ on Wii games, I imagine pretty much every other Wii owner does too.
I don't know who is telling you about this piracy being such a huge problem, but I bet it has to do with the cartel telling everyone that the recording industry sucks because of the internet.
Posted 02:05pm 24/4/08
Posted 02:13pm 24/4/08
Posted 03:05pm 24/4/08
I was looking into pirating a copy of brawl and the wii freeloader until brawl was released here. But I could not find a way to do it, without chipping.
I don't know of anywhere is Brisbane that mods wiis, though I haven't actively looked.
Posted 03:15pm 24/4/08
give'm your paypal and a brissy installer will contact you to arrange for you to drop off your wii to have it chipped, or they'll send u the chip to install yourself.
you can also buy premods
once chipped you can rip your own games or play any Pal release you download. thanks to wiiscrubber a lot of these are much less than 4gb
the vc rips you don't need a modchip for.
I don't care if i got trolled.
Posted 03:39pm 24/4/08
Posted 04:08pm 24/4/08
I'm saying it seems Nintendo is using just trying to set up a reward system for people who purchase the game to try and combat piracy, I'm not saying it'll work but I don't think it's necessarily a bad idea either. If you read this link I posted before, piracy is obviously a pretty big concern for Nintendo.